Your remark has me entirely confused—Burkean? What? - but for a single question:
Even if I grant your claim that your changes have improvements, have you looked for costs? In my experience, most artificial changes to language impede communication, and, indeed, look to me to be intended to.
There is no clarity cost I can see in the proposed convention—the only cost I can see is to the writer, who will have to spend a minute or two sourcing their quotes. If this cannot be done in a minute or two with an Internet connection (Wikiquote is often of help), it is probably more accurate to cite the quotation as “attributed” anyway.
Your remark has me entirely confused—Burkean? What? - but for a single question:
There is no clarity cost I can see in the proposed convention—the only cost I can see is to the writer, who will have to spend a minute or two sourcing their quotes. If this cannot be done in a minute or two with an Internet connection (Wikiquote is often of help), it is probably more accurate to cite the quotation as “attributed” anyway.