Re the growth mindset, exactly! It’s really quite gratifying to be able to literally quantify how much you’ve become a “better” version of yourself through your direct efforts.
I just think it’s unfortunate that the rational component and the weightlifter component of self-identity are often not found together, when both can learn so much from each other. (Plus, of course, it’s kinda contrarian-ly cool being both a nerd and a gym rat.)
Nice to see a fellow powerlifter here! My first meet was just last month and it was an amazing experience. By the way, those are impressive stats, especially for 6 months.
Those are my stats after my most recent meet though, about 2 years in. My first meet 6 months in was 180/95/230 @ 123. It’s sad how much progress slows down :(
Re the growth mindset, exactly! It’s really quite gratifying to be able to literally quantify how much you’ve become a “better” version of yourself through your direct efforts.
I just think it’s unfortunate that the rational component and the weightlifter component of self-identity are often not found together, when both can learn so much from each other. (Plus, of course, it’s kinda contrarian-ly cool being both a nerd and a gym rat.)
Nice to see a fellow powerlifter here! My first meet was just last month and it was an amazing experience. By the way, those are impressive stats, especially for 6 months.
Those are my stats after my most recent meet though, about 2 years in. My first meet 6 months in was 180/95/230 @ 123. It’s sad how much progress slows down :(