I didn’t intend for you to read ‘(excluding the one to be derived)’ into the statement. The GRTd I had in mind is a lot more modest, and allows for totality facts and a richer variety of causal relations.
GRTd isn’t a tautology (unless GRTm is true), because if there are logically underivable nonphysical and nonlogical truths, then GRTd is false. ‘X can be derived from the conjunction of GRTd with X’ is a tautology, but an innocuous one, since it leaves open the possibility that ‘X’ on its lonesome is a garden-variety contingent fact.
I didn’t intend for you to read ‘(excluding the one to be derived)’ into the statement. The GRTd I had in mind is a lot more modest, and allows for totality facts and a richer variety of causal relations.
GRTd isn’t a tautology (unless GRTm is true), because if there are logically underivable nonphysical and nonlogical truths, then GRTd is false. ‘X can be derived from the conjunction of GRTd with X’ is a tautology, but an innocuous one, since it leaves open the possibility that ‘X’ on its lonesome is a garden-variety contingent fact.
Sorry, I didn’t expect you to read my post so quickly, and I edited it heavily without marking my edits (a failure of etiquette, I admit).