I didn’t mean “coordination” just in the sense of “coordination problems” (in the technical economic sense), but as language existing to enable any coordination at all. In the sense where, if I ask you to bring me a glass of water, we have coordinated on an action to bring me a glass of water. I don’t think that this is just an effect which needs to be taken into account, but rather one of the primary reasons why language exists in the first place. Its usefulness for making improved (non-coordination-related) predictions could very well be a later addition that just happened to get tacked onto the existing mechanism.
I didn’t mean “coordination” just in the sense of “coordination problems” (in the technical economic sense), but as language existing to enable any coordination at all. In the sense where, if I ask you to bring me a glass of water, we have coordinated on an action to bring me a glass of water. I don’t think that this is just an effect which needs to be taken into account, but rather one of the primary reasons why language exists in the first place. Its usefulness for making improved (non-coordination-related) predictions could very well be a later addition that just happened to get tacked onto the existing mechanism.