After reading that post, I want to see a mathematical model of the thinking behind it. Instead of assigning a single numerical degree of belief to every proposition, as Bayesians do, this model would assign two numbers: “degree of belief” and “degree of respect”. The degree of respect would affect the agent’s willingness to listen to evidence for or against a belief, and would itself be affected by specific kinds of evidence (maybe evidence of suffering?) Many common results would need to be changed, e.g. Aumann’s agreement theorem would become Apophemi’s disagreement theorem, because agents using that model would end up disagreeing about many things.
After reading that post, I want to see a mathematical model of the thinking behind it. Instead of assigning a single numerical degree of belief to every proposition, as Bayesians do, this model would assign two numbers: “degree of belief” and “degree of respect”. The degree of respect would affect the agent’s willingness to listen to evidence for or against a belief, and would itself be affected by specific kinds of evidence (maybe evidence of suffering?) Many common results would need to be changed, e.g. Aumann’s agreement theorem would become Apophemi’s disagreement theorem, because agents using that model would end up disagreeing about many things.