I think you may have misunderstood the way “socialist” was being used there.
They talk about the elimination of the state, and in the same breath (or at least the same Wiki article) of collective ownership of the means of production. The idea seems to be that it isn’t a “state” when it’s Us, only when it’s Them. Since it’s Us, and therefore good and right, everyone will voluntarily agree to it. Anyone who does not is Bad, and therefore not one of Us, but one of Them. Liberty is liberty to do anything that is right, that is, to agree with Us. You can have anything you like, and do anything you like, as long as it’s what We think you ought to have and do. We are truly democratic, since everyone voluntarily supports Us, but They are undemocratic, even if They have elected government, because if They had truly democratic government They would be organised like Us.
I suspect this is similar to the question for certain right-anarchists of why can’t one think of the state as defense agency, that decided to expand into other services.
I suspect the actual content of these philosophies is ideas about the optimal way to run a government/defense agency/collective ownership council.
They talk about the elimination of the state, and in the same breath (or at least the same Wiki article) of collective ownership of the means of production. The idea seems to be that it isn’t a “state” when it’s Us, only when it’s Them. Since it’s Us, and therefore good and right, everyone will voluntarily agree to it. Anyone who does not is Bad, and therefore not one of Us, but one of Them. Liberty is liberty to do anything that is right, that is, to agree with Us. You can have anything you like, and do anything you like, as long as it’s what We think you ought to have and do. We are truly democratic, since everyone voluntarily supports Us, but They are undemocratic, even if They have elected government, because if They had truly democratic government They would be organised like Us.
But this is politics.
You haven’t talked to many socialists, have you? But as you say, we’re dealing with a mindkiller here.
I suspect this is similar to the question for certain right-anarchists of why can’t one think of the state as defense agency, that decided to expand into other services.
I suspect the actual content of these philosophies is ideas about the optimal way to run a government/defense agency/collective ownership council.