Taken, de lurked, most everything done because I was bored and curious. I hadn’t felt like registering an account for a while because I don’t know if I have much to add, but I figured.… you know, fuck it. I ought to have stuff to ask and I can always get another account if this one embarrasses me in the future.
V pna’g ernyyl qrpvqr onfrq ba gur vasbezngvba, ohg V jbhyq or yvxryl cvpx qeht N vs gur cngvrag jnf na rzcyblrr orvat cnvq nalguvat pybfr gb zvavzhz jntr. Vs bayl unys bs gur gjragl urnqnpurf ner zvffrq jbexqnlf gurer fgvyy jbhyq or uhaqerqf bs qbyynef bs ybfg jntrf vs zl ebhtu pnyphyngvbaf jrer frafvoyr. V jnf jnl bss ba gur gerr dhrfgvba. JUL V gubhtug gerrf pbhyq tebj rvtug uhaqerq srrg be zber, onssyrf zr, abj gung V guvax nobhg vg. Vg jnf whfg n pnpurq “snpg” V “yrnearq” va zl puvyqubbq, naq V unir ab vqrn jurer.
The political compass survey just made me think how little I’ve actually thought about politics. I kept saying “What? I don’t know!” so I skipped that one.
One thing concerns me.… How the hell does IQ drop 20 points over four years without my having a concussion or stroke or something? I have at times subjected myself to gnarly sleep deprivation. Maybe my ADD is worse. Maybe the higher score reflects verbal aptitude. (And if so, should that count towards “true iq”?) Can anyone tell me what seems to them the most likely?
One thing concerns me.… How the hell does IQ drop 20 points over four years without my having a concussion or stroke or something?
IQ tests aren’t all the same and can be a case of apples and oranges. I doubt you’re comparing your iqtest.dk score to a previous iqtest.dk score 4 years ago, are you?
No, that’s why I’m not freaking out. But I was a bit concerned over having different percentile not numerical scores. I figured they varied; but I wouldn’t have thought by THAT much. Can the “average IQ” statistic on these surveys even be at all meaningful then?
Anyway, I thought about it some more and decided I don’t care anyway. If I know I’m some degree of… smartish… I need not dwell on exactly what degree. It shouldn’t affect the things I want to learn and do.
Can the “average IQ” statistic on these surveys even be at all meaningful then?
You can compare oranges to oranges, but if you want to compare LW oranges to the general population’s citrus fruits, you’re going to need to do some work.
Taken, de lurked, most everything done because I was bored and curious. I hadn’t felt like registering an account for a while because I don’t know if I have much to add, but I figured.… you know, fuck it. I ought to have stuff to ask and I can always get another account if this one embarrasses me in the future.
V pna’g ernyyl qrpvqr onfrq ba gur vasbezngvba, ohg V jbhyq or yvxryl cvpx qeht N vs gur cngvrag jnf na rzcyblrr orvat cnvq nalguvat pybfr gb zvavzhz jntr. Vs bayl unys bs gur gjragl urnqnpurf ner zvffrq jbexqnlf gurer fgvyy jbhyq or uhaqerqf bs qbyynef bs ybfg jntrf vs zl ebhtu pnyphyngvbaf jrer frafvoyr. V jnf jnl bss ba gur gerr dhrfgvba. JUL V gubhtug gerrf pbhyq tebj rvtug uhaqerq srrg be zber, onssyrf zr, abj gung V guvax nobhg vg. Vg jnf whfg n pnpurq “snpg” V “yrnearq” va zl puvyqubbq, naq V unir ab vqrn jurer.
The political compass survey just made me think how little I’ve actually thought about politics. I kept saying “What? I don’t know!” so I skipped that one.
One thing concerns me.… How the hell does IQ drop 20 points over four years without my having a concussion or stroke or something? I have at times subjected myself to gnarly sleep deprivation. Maybe my ADD is worse. Maybe the higher score reflects verbal aptitude. (And if so, should that count towards “true iq”?) Can anyone tell me what seems to them the most likely?
Definitely have a lot of research to do
Hi everybody! =]
IQ tests aren’t all the same and can be a case of apples and oranges. I doubt you’re comparing your iqtest.dk score to a previous iqtest.dk score 4 years ago, are you?
No, that’s why I’m not freaking out. But I was a bit concerned over having different percentile not numerical scores. I figured they varied; but I wouldn’t have thought by THAT much. Can the “average IQ” statistic on these surveys even be at all meaningful then?
Anyway, I thought about it some more and decided I don’t care anyway. If I know I’m some degree of… smartish… I need not dwell on exactly what degree. It shouldn’t affect the things I want to learn and do.
You can compare oranges to oranges, but if you want to compare LW oranges to the general population’s citrus fruits, you’re going to need to do some work.
Maybe you should rot13 the second paragraph, in case someone accidentally reads it before taking the survey.
Okay, sorry, I guess I forgot