Thanks very much for these links… I didn’t complete the surveys on first read through, owing to failure of equipment (iPad) to follow the links, and lack of time. But encouraged by others here who persevered and completed the whole lot, I have followed up on them since. Not sure if I can amend the census now, but reporting here as I was mildly surprised by some of the results.
Political Compass = Left Libertarian. Somewhere near Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and Dalai Lama apparently,
with almost all Western politicians to the authoritarian right of me. Probably explains why I can’t stand any of them!
Big Five Personality Test = High O, High C, Moderate E, Moderately-Low A, High N.
IQ Test = 133, after finally getting the Flash to work (didn’t work on iPad, and skipped/auto-inserted wrong answer for every other question on Android phone). Not sure about this one; the result was some way lower than my last measurement, though that was in childhood. Checking some of the related links, the top score appears to be “above 145” even if you get every question right, which seems strange (some of the end questions looked really impossible).
Meyers Briggs = INTJ (all moderate). More or less what I expected; last did this twenty years ago and came out INTP.
Autism Test = 17, very near mean of control group.
Took the whole thing, waiting till I get a good night’s sleep to do the IQ test and hit submit.
For those who couldn’t select or copy the links like me, here they are to click on:
Political Compass:
Big Five Personality Test:
IQ Test:
Meyers Briggs:
Autism Test:
Thanks very much for these links… I didn’t complete the surveys on first read through, owing to failure of equipment (iPad) to follow the links, and lack of time. But encouraged by others here who persevered and completed the whole lot, I have followed up on them since. Not sure if I can amend the census now, but reporting here as I was mildly surprised by some of the results.
Political Compass = Left Libertarian. Somewhere near Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and Dalai Lama apparently, with almost all Western politicians to the authoritarian right of me. Probably explains why I can’t stand any of them!
Big Five Personality Test = High O, High C, Moderate E, Moderately-Low A, High N.
IQ Test = 133, after finally getting the Flash to work (didn’t work on iPad, and skipped/auto-inserted wrong answer for every other question on Android phone). Not sure about this one; the result was some way lower than my last measurement, though that was in childhood. Checking some of the related links, the top score appears to be “above 145” even if you get every question right, which seems strange (some of the end questions looked really impossible).
Meyers Briggs = INTJ (all moderate). More or less what I expected; last did this twenty years ago and came out INTP.
Autism Test = 17, very near mean of control group.
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