I was about to kick myself for not checking last year’s answers to all the probability questions (I don’t feel I’ve received much new information or insights that should cause me to change my mind, so I felt I should have averaged my current subjective estimate with last year’s).
But then I found that my subjective estimates were remarkably stable! (with possible slight drift towards 50%). Not sure what to make of that. Was going to post answers here to illustrate but wasn’t sure if that violated protocol because of anchoring. (People should really take the survey before reading any of the comments in any case).
I was about to kick myself for not checking last year’s answers to all the probability questions (I don’t feel I’ve received much new information or insights that should cause me to change my mind, so I felt I should have averaged my current subjective estimate with last year’s).
But then I found that my subjective estimates were remarkably stable! (with possible slight drift towards 50%). Not sure what to make of that. Was going to post answers here to illustrate but wasn’t sure if that violated protocol because of anchoring. (People should really take the survey before reading any of the comments in any case).
P.S. I took the survey.
What about rot13′ing them? (You’d have to spell numbers out, of course.)
There’s one additional spoiler here not related to the probability questions. ROT13′d:
Znal Jbeyqf: fvkglsvir (jnf friragl)
Nyvraf: gjraglsvir (jnf gjraglsvir)
Nyvraf va zvyxl jnl: svsgrra (jnf gra)
Fhcreangheny: svir (jnf gjb)
Tbq: sbhe (jnf bar)
Eryvtvba: guerr (jnf bar)
Pelbavpf: gra (jnf guvegl)
Nagv-ntnguvpf: rvtug (jnf frira)
Fvzhyngvba: svsglsvir (jnf friragl)
Jnezvat: rvtuglsvir (jnf rvtuglsvir)
Ab TPE orsber gjraglbar uhaqerq: sbegl (jnf sbegl)
Nyfb, (nqqvgvbany fcbvyre) PSNE gevpxrq zr jvgu dhrfgvba sbhe! V guvax gur pbeerpg nafjre vf N vs lbh jbhyq fcraq gjryir qbyynef svsgl gb nibvq n urnqnpur, juvpu fbhaqf yvxr n tbbq ohl gb zr.
EDIT: removed a couple of numbers that I missed
Spell out the numbers, or ROT-13 leaves them alone...