I recently read Surely You’re Joking, are there other good Feynman autobiographies, or other scientist autobiographies, that I should check out? I don’t want anything that gets too technical, but neither do I want things that are totally descriptive and biographical. I want insights into the overall way that good scientists think, but I also want to avoid specifics and technical concepts insofar as that is possible.
I recently read Surely You’re Joking, are there other good Feynman autobiographies, or other scientist autobiographies, that I should check out? I don’t want anything that gets too technical, but neither do I want things that are totally descriptive and biographical. I want insights into the overall way that good scientists think, but I also want to avoid specifics and technical concepts insofar as that is possible.
I think there’s a sequel to Surely You’re Joking, but I’m not sure what it’s called.
What Do You Care What Other People Think?