I think you have made a fundamental error about what philosophical scepticism is in the first place, so I am not motivated to drill down any further than it takes to point that out. It’s also pretty unpromising for a discussion to start off with a claim to have a final solution.
Worst yet you didn’t even respond to this question of mine:
Are you aware that you have failed to answer at least half the questions I posed to you?
Have you experienced this psychological effect?
I don’t agree that “philosophical scepticism” refers to a feeling, and nothing else, in the first place. You need to take a step back.
I think you have made a fundamental error about what philosophical scepticism is in the first place, so I am not motivated to drill down any further than it takes to point that out. It’s also pretty unpromising for a discussion to start off with a claim to have a final solution.
Are you aware that you have failed to answer at least half the questions I posed to you?
I don’t agree that “philosophical scepticism” refers to a feeling, and nothing else, in the first place. You need to take a step back.