FDIC doesn’t insure safe deposit boxes. It does insure your checking account balance, but your bank still has to figure out somewhere with a nonnegative interest rate to put your money (since the FDIC insurance triggers only after the bank itself is wiped out). Or find a way to charge you enough fees to make your effective interest rate negative.
Sure, but they’re a bank. Hopefully they have a competitive advantage in finding profitable places to lend money; that’s supposedly their whole job. I don’t, so I’m probably better off leaving it to them (as long as I have sufficient insurance in case they’re bad at their job, which historically they often are).
FDIC doesn’t insure safe deposit boxes. It does insure your checking account balance, but your bank still has to figure out somewhere with a nonnegative interest rate to put your money (since the FDIC insurance triggers only after the bank itself is wiped out). Or find a way to charge you enough fees to make your effective interest rate negative.
Sure, but they’re a bank. Hopefully they have a competitive advantage in finding profitable places to lend money; that’s supposedly their whole job. I don’t, so I’m probably better off leaving it to them (as long as I have sufficient insurance in case they’re bad at their job, which historically they often are).