That was mainly the motivation for my counting question but the answer isconsistent with Noranoo invoking transfinite induction to get counted.
I think the pattern of—”Is it possible to count to Noranoo?” -yes and—”Can I count to Noranoo?” -no would isolate only transfinite induction.
Another way this could be asked as a dad joke is if ever one is tired and being asked about it claim that “I spent the night counting to Noranoo”. If this story is incredile then it is recognised as a supertask. If there is a reaction like “wow you count fast” that would point to it being some very high finite integer.
I guess I am trying to fish for a scneario that would prompt a resonpce that would clearly support that. Another approach that would more strongly differentiate against googol-likeness would be to start counting and then increasingly blur the words together and then slow down ”… norklet, noranoo” the thinking going that even if your mouth was perfectly dexterous the counting might detect “cheating detection” as it migth not be respectful of the vastness of the number.
But to be frank it was more that I thought I kinda understood the difference but I find myself struggling to figure out what would be a fair operationalization, suggesting I don’t understand it.
One big difference, I think, is that you can’t get to ω by (finite) counting, but you can get to Noranoo?
That was mainly the motivation for my counting question but the answer isconsistent with Noranoo invoking transfinite induction to get counted.
I think the pattern of—”Is it possible to count to Noranoo?” -yes and—”Can I count to Noranoo?” -no would isolate only transfinite induction.
Another way this could be asked as a dad joke is if ever one is tired and being asked about it claim that “I spent the night counting to Noranoo”. If this story is incredile then it is recognised as a supertask. If there is a reaction like “wow you count fast” that would point to it being some very high finite integer.
I mean, she may think that it is such a large number that it is unrealistic that I could count that high overnight? Or even in my lifetime?
For example, if you claimed to have counted to a googol overnight I wouldn’t believe you, but it’s still finite.
I guess I am trying to fish for a scneario that would prompt a resonpce that would clearly support that. Another approach that would more strongly differentiate against googol-likeness would be to start counting and then increasingly blur the words together and then slow down ”… norklet, noranoo” the thinking going that even if your mouth was perfectly dexterous the counting might detect “cheating detection” as it migth not be respectful of the vastness of the number.
But to be frank it was more that I thought I kinda understood the difference but I find myself struggling to figure out what would be a fair operationalization, suggesting I don’t understand it.