I had a chat with a person who admitted to having many problems themselves. I offered my services as a problem solving amateur, willing to try to get to the bottom of this. Presented is the conversation (With details changed for privacy).
I had my first shot at analysing the person’s problems and drilling down to the bottom. I am interested in what other people have to say is the problem. Here we study the meta-strategy of how to solve the problem, which I find much more interesting than the object level analysis of the problem and how to solve it.
I don’t think I got to the bottom of the problem, and I don’t think I conducted myself in a top-notch capacity but needless to say I wonder if you have any comments about what IS TheProblem(tm), how did you come to that conclusion and what can be done about it (for the benefit of this person and anyone with a similar problem).
Zebra Hey
ELiot Where would you like to start? Do you want to share about your history?
Zebra I was previously very depressed, and then recovered for a few years. While I’m glad I was able to have those couple years, I don’t think they were worth suffering through the depression, and I didn’t at the time, when I didn’t think it would return.
Zebra (Though it hasn’t returned as bad as it was.)
ELiot So you are currently feeling depressed
Zebra Yes. Possibly as a symptom of bipolar disorder (I’ve recently started having manic episodes), or possibly not—I’ve never been diagnosed with that, and until recently had never had issues with mania.
ELiot How much are you sleeping? One Indication of bipolar swings is total sleep
Zebra The last couple days I’ve slept okay, but when I had more manic symptoms sleep was very intermittent. A few weeks ago I punched a housemate in the face ten times, breaking her nose; at that point, I’d not slept in two days.
ELiot Sounds like a bad event.
Zebra I guess immediately I feel quite isolated, very stressed, and don’t know how to proceed forward.
ELiot Is there a specific stress?
Zebra I guess; loneliness, numerous tensions with my girlfriend, some financial issues (to a large extent a symptom of the recent mania), extreme dissatisfaction with myself and especially my own appearance, frustrations with daily life, and a general dissatisfaction with the world.
ELiot Manic up should correlate with little sleep, manic down with extra sleep. Manic up should also come with a variation on _feeling invincible_
Which of the things in that list do you think can’t change?
Zebra I suppose they’re all changeable if you apply enough effort, but that seems like a lot of work, and frankly I’ve never seen much in the world that seems worth it.
As I said, I’ve gotten better, to some extent, previously.
Even after I had already gotten better and I no longer wanted to suicide, I wished I had previously, because even though life then was fine, it just wasn’t worth what had gone before.
I don’t feel invincible really.
ELiot When in manic up states?
Zebra When in manic states I still don’t feel invincible.
ELiot If you could remove the problems listed do you think you would want to live?
Zebra All of them? Yes, if I could do some magically, or at a reasonable cost.
ELiot I would say that is a good thing. But it depends on your goals.
I can offer ideas about working with those problems to make them better, but not if you don’t want that.
Zebra Well those would be good.
ELiot Would you like to pick a specific one from the list to talk about?
I can pick one if you like
Zebra Uhm, you can pick. I’m not sure which one would be most imminently solvable.
ELiot I am going to write the list out
1. Loneliness 2. Girlfriend tension 3. Financial issues 4. Self + appearance 5. Daily life 6. Dissatisfied with the world
Zebra Yep, that’s most of it.
ELiot What burdens do you currently have on your life? I. E. Supporting a child, have to show up at work each day. Etc.
Thinking about number 5 - Regular commitments
Zebra Not a whole lot really. I’ve no job or school (family money, though not a large amount). My girlfriend is financially dependent on me at this point, though she’s supposed to be starting a job this month.
To be honest even going downstairs to buy food, or really even to talk to a delivery person on the phone, feels like a huge burden.
ELiot So in terms of pressure on your daily life?
Zebra I often find myself not eating until nighttime, or sometimes not eating at all, due to wanting to avoid those stressors.
ELiot Is that bad?
Zebra Well, yeah. It feels very negative and causes me stress and I really don’t feel life has much to offer in return for even minor inconveniences.
ELiot is there a reason that not eating is a bad thing to do for you?
Zebra I don’t see life as particularly positive, really, and just want it to be over with so I don’t have to bother with this crap every day. On the other hand, actually going about killing yourself is fucking scary.
So I guess I’m trying to find some way out of that conclusion so I won’t have to face the immediately distasteful action of actually offing myself, even though it’s probably preferable to suffering through a lifetime of even minor annoyances.
ELiot Is this correct: you feel stressed about not wanting to leave to go buy food. Then you feel stressed about not buying food as well.
Zebra Yes.
And I guess I’m kind of lonely, and even minor inconveniences, when they have no positive aspects in between, eventually get you really, really down.
I feel like what I do most days is just wait, be sad and lonely, be slightly annoyed, and wait and cry and be lonely more.
When I go out sometimes it’s ok, and sometimes I realise the people around me are crap and I am too and I get even sadder.
ELiot Here is how I see this very limited problem. Without looking at other things just yet.
When making the first choice, either stay home and not buy food or leave and buy food you choose the less stress option. To stay home. I see that as a win. You successfully made the right choice to avoid the immediate stress. Then later you decide that going out is more important/useful/(Less stress) than staying home and not having food. Seems like you also win by carrying out the choice to leave and get food have less stress.
You appear to be stressing yourself out over two reasonable choices. I would suggest that you have done well to make both the choice of staying home and later the choice to leave for food.
Zebra The stress of not going is physiological rather than psychological, so I don’t think looking at that differently can really fix it.
And really I don’t want to be staying at home, as that’s also very stressful.
I’m just not sure what else to do...
ELiot In terms of where to go? Or in terms of how to spend your time?
Zebra Both
There’s nothing much I can identify that I really want to do.
ELiot I can suggest options down those paths
Zebra ok.
ELiot I don’t know where you are gegraphically, but if we consider specifically where to go and what to do near where you are;
I would look at; google, “things to do in *city*” as well as looking at meetups in city. As well as looking for parks, museums, monuments, walks, local history, pretty geography, public spaces I. E. Libraries, evening classes, sports to play
Zebra I’m in Hong Kong.
I go to meetups sometimes.
ELiot Generally the idea of exploration of the place
Also temples, religious places, hikes
Zebra As for meetups, sometimes you meet interesting people, but often it’s stressful dealing with idiots. And most people are idiots.
ELiot You are mostly allowed to do what you like with your time. In terms of going places and later going home to sleep etc.
A large fraction of people are idiots
Zebra And the more interesting people are often difficult to connect with more than superficially.
ELiot ”Allowed to” is a funny idea. No one needs to give you permission to do what you like.
Going to add 7. Social strategy
Zebra True. I just don’t feel like I _like_ much.
Also I’m frequently very exhausted, and it’s often hard to work up the energy to do those things.
ELiot Do you think you have tried to find many things you like or do you think the bottle neck lies before that? In trying to find them?
If you do nothing (because you are tired) is that a problem?
Zebra Yeah, doing nothing all the time sucks. If I stay home I feel like I’m in jail...
but if I go out I feel like I’ve been sent as a labourer to Australia.
ELiot At some point the desire to stay home because you are tired should weigh up against the desire to go out and feel like you are not in jail. That is a fine time to leave, feeling bad about both staying at home and leaving the house sounds like a recipe for displeasure either way… Does that make sense?
Zebra Well it is, obviously, which is why I feel like I’m in a no-win situation, and want to die.
(or at least part of it)
I mean, occasionally there are meetups and stuff which I go to, and those are ok, but really I have so much free time and since my mental health issues started I’ve alienated almost everyone I knew.
And that just increases the stress and makes it difficult to make new friends.
ELiot I would be going down the path of tracing that feeling of bad to its source because it’s not really about staying or going it’s about that bad pressure that appears self imposed.
Do you feel like you _should be doing_ things?
I.e. Going out
Zebra Well, I really dislike being alone, but I don’t much like most people.
I think that’s what it boils down to.
And yes, I get that that might not be a healthy state to be in, but again, that I’m not in a healthy state has already been established.
ELiot Do you know what part or kind of social interaction you like? When you say “dislike alone” what is “not alone”
Zebra Well, I like talking with friends and drinking and doing stuff, but often it’s difficult to make new friends.
ELiot Conversation with new people is “not alone”
And you sometimes feel alone when you hang around old friends
Zebra Yes, that’s true.
ELiot Can you financially afford to go drinking and doing stuff?
Zebra I guess new people I meet are often very disappointing, and more than that, even when they aren’t, I myself have a lot of recently developed mental issues it takes a lot of effort to control.
I kind of zone out, frequently. People find that scary.
ELiot What kind of new people would you like to meet?
Zebra Uhm, I dunno. It’s hard to specify really.
ELiot Is your zoning out actually absence or is it more like daydreaming?
Zebra Absence
Or sometimes I just sort of feel sad.
But usually no internal thoughts associated.
I can sort of afford to go drinking and stuff.
ELiot Do you recall things that happen while you are absent?
Zebra Mostly not. I can sort of remember it happening but super vague.
ELiot Do you feel like you are an automa—following a path you were on, and then you zone back in?
Zebra It’s not like in the middle of a sentence, but people notice that I look dead and then sometimes I don’t respond until they call me a couple times, though sometimes I can respond immediately.
More like my energy’s just gone, I guess.
Sometimes I’ll lose track of the conversation, even when I myself am speaking.
That’s not as common recently, though.
ELiot I was going to say I suspect an absent seizure. It came up in the lw open thread this week. Let me get you a link
Zebra My mother claims I told her I was hospitalised for a head injury around the time my mental health problems started worsening.
I can’t remember the incident, though, and she has not much in the way of specific details.
If you have something like that I am sure it makes everything worse
Zebra I had depression before that, but as I said, it had mostly gotten better. On the other hand, there were a lot of issues in my life around the same time which may have led to the recurrence of symptoms as well.
ELiot Okay, what kind of person would you like to meet?
Zebra Hmm, previously I wanted to see a neurologist because my symptoms were much worse, but they’ve lessened now.
ELiot There is medication to reduce seizures to nearly nothing
Which might help
Zebra Well, an intelligent person, but those are rare; or someone who’s fun, but finding one who’s willing to put up with my lethargy and depression is hard; or someone who’s nice and not a complete idiot.
ELiot It also might help to keep a diary of what you do each day to try to keep track of how often they happen
Zebra Maybe. I’m not at all certain I’m having seizures, though.
I have pretty bad memory, too.
ELiot Where might you find intelligent people?
A brain scan would tell you if you are or are not having seizures
Zebra I have no idea. I guess some of the intellectually-focused meetup groups have some, but not all that many.
Yeah, I’ve been meaning to go to a neurologist, but I frequently fail to get around to stuff.
ELiot I would suggest university campus as a viable place
To find smart ones
Zebra Maybe, but I’m not in university and probably don’t have the effort to enter.
Also, somewhat smart, but not very smart, people really annoy me.
Universities have a lot of those.
ELiot Campuses here are just places you can walk into, not sure what it’s like there
If you want to get out of the house and see something, universities are a nice place to visit
Zebra Hmm, I guess I could try.
Many offer classes to the public very cheaply.
ELiot You can probably also work out how to sneak into a lecture anyway—they usually don’t check the roll
Any topic of study fancy your interest? To sneak into a lecture about
Zebra Hmm, not sure. Linguistics or history might be fun.
CS would probably just be a recap of basic material.
ELiot You can usually find course details online and work out where the lectures are and just kinda walk in and sit down—For a bit of fun
Zebra How does that translate to meeting people though?
(If it’s not obvious, I’ve never been to uni.)
ELiot Chat to people if you want to. Lectures have breaks, uni tries to encourage social groups too usually, barbecues and stuff
If you make yourself look approachable and friendly people will talk to you. It’s how I avoid approaching others. I wear funny hats and strangers talk to me
Zebra Really? Haha, what sort of hats?
ELiot Pirate hat, top hats, Stetson,
I have about 50 hats
Different ones all the time
That’s on the topic of appearance tho
Zebra I don’t look very approachable now :( Since I became ill again my personal health and hygeine have done very poorly.
ELiot Do you like being hygienic? Indifferent?
Zebra Well, I like being hygenic, but getting to that state is difficult.
Also, I’ve probably gained 40kg since then, so even if I was it’s probably all for naught.
ELiot What contributes to that state? For me it’s having a shower and brushing my teeth.
Maybe deodorant too. And clean clothes
Zebra Well, those things.
Now I’ve got so fat it’s hard to buy clothes :-/
ELiot I would say you can work on that
Both the fat and the clothes
If you want to
Exercise would help you, leaving the house to go for a walk would help you, you don’t need anywhere to go other than around a block or something
Do you track your weight?
Zebra Yes, but it’s very difficult.
ELiot Is it still climbing or staying where it is?
Zebra I’ve tried some stuff. Fasting, methamphetamine, etc., but I was never able to really reduce it.
ELiot Difficult to track? To walk? To exercise? To buy clothes?
Weight loss is difficult, Yes
Zebra I just don’t have the energy to excercise. Even when I was taking methamphetamine I didn’t have the energy for it.
ELiot Would you consider paying for a service that helped you lose weight?
Zebra Right now I think it’s not climbing, but I didn’t buy a new scale when my last one broke.
Yes, if I thought it had reasonable chance of being effective.
ELiot An option would be to look at what is available
Near to where you live
Zebra I don’t think there are any drugs that work as well for weighy loss as meth, though, and that was not effective enough.
I don’t know what else such a service could provide really.
I mean, I _know_ you need to excercise and eat healthy, but I just haven’t been able to do it.
ELiot Commitment, a gym, a trainer setting a program
There are greater experts in the field of weight loss than I
Zebra Honestly, I’ve tried so much, I do not realistically think I would continue to follow through with that.
ELiot Okay
Zebra Other than the very deepest depths of depression (which I still haven’t fallen to this time around), I’ve never experienced anything as unpleasant as excercise.
ELiot I can offer ideas about weight loss and exercise but maybe another time.
What types of exercise?
Zebra I suppose there are some illnesses which might do better than meth, but trying to induce those makes me feel very squeamish.
Pretty much anything.
It’a just so hot and icky and tiring.
ELiot Oh! Yes, a problem with your geography
Other geographies are not as hot and sticky. Even that has solutions. My exercise is walking, running, swimming, unicycle, circus skills, rock climbing, ice skating, laser tag, and trampoline, I also did pole dance for a while. Also I would kayak and hike more if I had more opportunities...
Zebra True. I had some fun doing outdoor type stuff in the Southwestern US.
Moving has its own host of problems, though.
ELiot Other sports I have done include table tennis, actual tennis, archery...
Zebra The primary one being that I don’t know anyone anywhere else.
ELiot I don’t imagine moving will solve all your problems
Zebra Except my mother in Florida, USA.
ELiot Yes I was going to say, it would certainly make loneliness harder
Especially when you don’t currently know how to make new friends very well
You can exercise at night, find an indoor pool to swim in maybe.
Zebra Yes. I did the moving thing once, and it was probably good at the time, but I had fairly exceptional circumstances then which I don’t have now.
There’s a pretty nice pool in my condo, but I get tired. Swimming is exhausting.
And very self-conscious doing excercise around others.
ELiot Yes.
Zebra That’s probably equally as serious an issue as the exhaustion.
ELiot Night time for self conscious
Take a friend or girlfriend?
Moral support?
Zebra Makes me more self conscious :(
ELiot You need support network not criticism
Do you trust these people?
Do you think you could track how far you swim and try to increase laps or so?
The idea being to measure progress and feel like you are going somewhere
Zebra I don’t think I’ve ever actually trusted anyone, even as a child.
ELiot That is a different problem
Zebra Yeah. I have a lot of problems. :(
ELiot That is okay for a place to be
Better to know than not know.
To be more specific you have a lot of problems *at the same time*
Which is making it hard to work out what the biggest one is, and where to start
Zebra Yes. That kind of sucks.
ELiot It appears that at the bottom of each problem there is a slightly different problem, also with a solution but one that too needs implementation
I am confident that this can all be fixed, I am also confident that you can enjoy the journey of doing so.
Perhaps you might benefit from writing down the problems until you have a clearer picture for yourself
Zebra Yes, that’s how it feels to me too. There’s a large web of problems which are fixable with enough effort, but inter-related so hard to fix one at a time, and I don’t really feel like I have the effort to do it all at once, nor that it would be worth it.
ELiot As you talk to me you are clarifying the problems, I imagine that can help to identify them to help solve them.
If I were in your position I would pick the first one that I encountered and try to make a little progress on it before the next one hit me, and trying to make progress on the next one too.
I firmly believe in the concept of _making it easier for future you_.
Zebra Sometimes I feel that all of them could be fixed in one go with a more radical change, but that’s a rather scary thing to do.
ELiot It is. Especially without experience in radical changes.
Zebra Well, I moved alone to a country I’d never been when I was 18. So I guess it’s not entirely unfamiliar.
ELiot A change of scenery would probably change the problems. Not necessarily fix them
Zebra Yeah.
ELiot It could be the motivation you need to help make it easier for you to make progress
But it could also leave you exhausted and worse off
Zebra I’ve looked some into moving to the Republic of Georgia.
But I do have friends here, even if there are only a few remaining and I feel increasingly alienated from them.
ELiot You might benefit from a time management system
Zebra Why? I don’t have enough to even fill one activity per day...
ELiot A list of problems, followed by a list of ways to solve the problems followed by a plan of how to spend your next 168 hours towards solving those problems while also not making new ones...
Each week
Energy limited? That’s also a problem. With a solution. You do need sleep and rest
Zebra I usually sleep a lot, but it doesn’t feel restful.
I try to go on holidays, but again, usually come back more stressed than before.
ELiot That too has a solution. Are you getting enough light when you wake up?
Zebra I typically keep the blinds closed.
I don’t like light :(
ELiot Bright light when you wake up will help you feel awake more. Only when you wake up.
Zebra But then what do I do?
ELiot Pick something you want to change and go for it.
The strategy of: “Try X”
It might help to have a notebook paper trail of ideas you have tried
Or thoughts you have had about each problem and how to solve it
Zebra Most of the things I want to change are hard to change, computer related (and this not really helpful to not feeling terrible and alone), or things I don’t have a good plan for how to change.
ELiot You have as much to do as you want to. You can make a plan.
Zebra I guess if I did something computer related it could make money, maybe, but I’d still feel awful. In the longer term it may be helpful, but I’ve tried this before and it is difficult to not get depressed and quit to go cry all day after 30 minutes.
ELiot Even the meta strategy of “trying to plan” can help
You should write down that idea
It also seems like you apply pressure and expectations above what you have evidence of yourself being capable of.
Zebra The idea of trying to plan, or?
ELiot Yes and the “computer thing” idea
You should update on the estimation of your capabilities to be more of a reflection on what you have recently observed you are able to do
Zebra I have a lot of computer thing ideas. I know pretty specifically how to do them, but sitting it down and typing it out is harder.
Well, I can walk to 7⁄11 if I put a lot of effort into it.
That’s about it...
ELiot Which is a way of saying to start small. Reset from the beginning (which is not easy)
Zebra That doesn’t seem helpful.
ELiot That’s what your baseline is
Anything upwards is now impressive.
Including this conversation
You have come a long way already
Zebra Doesn’t feel like it. Starting from walking to 7⁄11 sounds kind of exhausting and not very enjoyable.
ELiot But that’s where you are right now
I would say try habit RPG, but I never found it useful to me
Zebra Yeah, but I mean, back on to the original point, all this seems much harder than trying to work through my hangups about suicide.
ELiot Possibly, Yes.
All these problems are solveable, But perhaps
What about the possibility of solving the most immediate discomfort at any time?
What is the most immediate discomfort right now?
Zebra I feel stressed about life being shit generally, I guess.
Which is generally how I feel when I have nothing specific to be stressed about.
ELiot What can you do about that right now? How can you make life less generally shit for the you that lives 10 minutes in the future?
Or maybe make yourself feel less stressed about it
Zebra I guess I could try to do some meditation. That used to work, but hasn’t been so much recently.
For the stress part, at least.
I have no idea how to make life immediately less crap in the next ten minutes.
ELiot I would suggest your environment or hygiene
As they are usually quick low hanging ideas.
Zebra What sorts of things are you thinking of specifically with regard to those that could be accomplished within 10 minutes?
ELiot A shower, a little cleaning up your space, changing clothes
Taking out the trash
Zebra I guess that’s doable.
Zebra Welp, done that. I suppose I do feel mildly better...
ELiot That particular strategy is called success spirals. Successfully doing a thing to help the you of the future slightly. One bit at a time.
I should add—if you want to talk about death we should have that talk too
Death, dying, pain
Zebra Well, death seems somewhat scary in the immediate sense.
Especially death by falling, which is the most low-effort solution for someone living in a high rise building.
ELiot You need at least 10 floors to be confident of a sudden death
Zebra More high-effort strategies, like pentobarbital or such, seem more palatable, but not quite as immediately actionable.
I’m on the tenth floor, and I think there’s 20 something.
ELiot And it depends whether you want to impact others I. E. Seeing you fall and or the body
Zebra I don’t really care, though obviously I wouldn’t want anyone seeing me “on the ledge” if I couldn’t go through with it.
OTOH, nighttime is a thing.
ELiot Yes
Zebra But it’s … scary.
Have you ever been with someone during suicide?
ELiot No, I recently discouraged someone from taking action in person. They were making rash decisions at the time
Zebra Ah
ELiot At least 3 people in my life have come close. They are not all better yet, still in limbo of up and down
I would still encourage you to do the things that you want. Have you read the guilt series by nate soares?
Zebra No. What is it about?
ELiot Why we have guilt and defeating it where it’s not appropriate
Zebra I don’t think I experience a significant amount of guilt.
ELiot Guilt in the sense of, “should be going out” but “should stay in”. The conflicting desire of parts of you to do different things. And sorting it out Zebra Ah, hmm
I will read the Guilt series then...
ELiot I also went through a period of time when I felt purposeless, I described it as, “everything is meaningless” and it’s bothering me. As distinctly different to, “everything is meaningless and it doesn’t matter”
Zebra Everything being meaningless doesn’t bother me. I don’t think meaningfulness is a possible thing in any universe. Everything being shitty and empty bothers me, but that’s rather different.
------------------------------------ Later in time............... Zebra Finished it. It was long!
I liked it more than Eliezer’s writing. It may even have been potentially useful irl, maybe.
ELiot do you think you can apply things to your life?
Zebra Maybe. I’ve been trying to do the breaking things up part.
I made a small amount of money with stupid computer things… I guess that’s a modicum of progress, maybe.
I liked the last part about changing goals. That might be useful.
Visualising bad things seems like a potentially helpful strategy as well.
Zebra A lot of the techniques do seem effective. Hopefully it will make a positive difference.
---------------------A long time later-------------- ELiot hey
I promised to get back to you.
how are things?
Zebra Hi
ELiot it’s been a while..
Zebra I’m doing somewhat better. Got on meds for bipolar disorder, which has helped a lot.
Yeah. Been trying to actually do things now, so I feel less stagnant.
ELiot Oh! great!
Zebra Hopefully life will end up in a better place than before.
The Problem TM
What is actually the problem? I have a theory, but I also wanted to publish this without declaring my answer. I will share my ideas in a few weeks but I want to know what you think and how you came to that answer.
Meta: this conversation happened over 6 months ago, this took 2 hours to collate, tidy and publish.
The Problem (TM) - Analyse a conversation
Originally published here: http://bearlamp.com.au/the-problem-tm-analyse-a-conversation/
Part 2: http://lesswrong.com/r/discussion/lw/nt8/the_problem_tm_part_2/
Part 2: http://bearlamp.com.au/the-problem-analyse-a-conversation-part-2/
I had a chat with a person who admitted to having many problems themselves. I offered my services as a problem solving amateur, willing to try to get to the bottom of this. Presented is the conversation (With details changed for privacy).
I had my first shot at analysing the person’s problems and drilling down to the bottom. I am interested in what other people have to say is the problem. Here we study the meta-strategy of how to solve the problem, which I find much more interesting than the object level analysis of the problem and how to solve it.
I don’t think I got to the bottom of the problem, and I don’t think I conducted myself in a top-notch capacity but needless to say I wonder if you have any comments about what IS TheProblem(tm), how did you come to that conclusion and what can be done about it (for the benefit of this person and anyone with a similar problem).
Where would you like to start?
Do you want to share about your history?
I was previously very depressed, and then recovered for a few years. While I’m glad I was able to have those couple years, I don’t think they were worth suffering through the depression, and I didn’t at the time, when I didn’t think it would return.
(Though it hasn’t returned as bad as it was.)
So you are currently feeling depressed
Yes. Possibly as a symptom of bipolar disorder (I’ve recently started having manic episodes), or possibly not—I’ve never been diagnosed with that, and until recently had never had issues with mania.
How much are you sleeping? One Indication of bipolar swings is total sleep
The last couple days I’ve slept okay, but when I had more manic symptoms sleep was very intermittent. A few weeks ago I punched a housemate in the face ten times, breaking her nose; at that point, I’d not slept in two days.
Sounds like a bad event.
I guess immediately I feel quite isolated, very stressed, and don’t know how to proceed forward.
Is there a specific stress?
I guess; loneliness, numerous tensions with my girlfriend, some financial issues (to a large extent a symptom of the recent mania), extreme dissatisfaction with myself and especially my own appearance, frustrations with daily life, and a general dissatisfaction with the world.
Manic up should correlate with little sleep, manic down with extra sleep. Manic up should also come with a variation on _feeling invincible_
Which of the things in that list do you think can’t change?
I suppose they’re all changeable if you apply enough effort, but that seems like a lot of work, and frankly I’ve never seen much in the world that seems worth it.
As I said, I’ve gotten better, to some extent, previously.
Even after I had already gotten better and I no longer wanted to suicide, I wished I had previously, because even though life then was fine, it just wasn’t worth what had gone before.
I don’t feel invincible really.
When in manic up states?
When in manic states I still don’t feel invincible.
If you could remove the problems listed do you think you would want to live?
All of them? Yes, if I could do some magically, or at a reasonable cost.
I would say that is a good thing. But it depends on your goals.
I can offer ideas about working with those problems to make them better, but not if you don’t want that.
Well those would be good.
Would you like to pick a specific one from the list to talk about?
I can pick one if you like
Uhm, you can pick. I’m not sure which one would be most imminently solvable.
I am going to write the list out
1. Loneliness
2. Girlfriend tension
3. Financial issues
4. Self + appearance
5. Daily life
6. Dissatisfied with the world
Yep, that’s most of it.
What burdens do you currently have on your life? I. E. Supporting a child, have to show up at work each day. Etc.
Thinking about number 5 - Regular commitments
Not a whole lot really. I’ve no job or school (family money, though not a large amount). My girlfriend is financially dependent on me at this point, though she’s supposed to be starting a job this month.
To be honest even going downstairs to buy food, or really even to talk to a delivery person on the phone, feels like a huge burden.
So in terms of pressure on your daily life?
I often find myself not eating until nighttime, or sometimes not eating at all, due to wanting to avoid those stressors.
Is that bad?
Well, yeah. It feels very negative and causes me stress and I really don’t feel life has much to offer in return for even minor inconveniences.
is there a reason that not eating is a bad thing to do for you?
I don’t see life as particularly positive, really, and just want it to be over with so I don’t have to bother with this crap every day. On the other hand, actually going about killing yourself is fucking scary.
So I guess I’m trying to find some way out of that conclusion so I won’t have to face the immediately distasteful action of actually offing myself, even though it’s probably preferable to suffering through a lifetime of even minor annoyances.
Is this correct: you feel stressed about not wanting to leave to go buy food. Then you feel stressed about not buying food as well.
And I guess I’m kind of lonely, and even minor inconveniences, when they have no positive aspects in between, eventually get you really, really down.
I feel like what I do most days is just wait, be sad and lonely, be slightly annoyed, and wait and cry and be lonely more.
When I go out sometimes it’s ok, and sometimes I realise the people around me are crap and I am too and I get even sadder.
Here is how I see this very limited problem. Without looking at other things just yet.
When making the first choice, either stay home and not buy food or leave and buy food you choose the less stress option. To stay home. I see that as a win. You successfully made the right choice to avoid the immediate stress. Then later you decide that going out is more important/useful/(Less stress) than staying home and not having food. Seems like you also win by carrying out the choice to leave and get food have less stress.
You appear to be stressing yourself out over two reasonable choices. I would suggest that you have done well to make both the choice of staying home and later the choice to leave for food.
The stress of not going is physiological rather than psychological, so I don’t think looking at that differently can really fix it.
And really I don’t want to be staying at home, as that’s also very stressful.
I’m just not sure what else to do...
In terms of where to go? Or in terms of how to spend your time?
There’s nothing much I can identify that I really want to do.
I can suggest options down those paths
I don’t know where you are gegraphically, but if we consider specifically where to go and what to do near where you are;
I would look at; google, “things to do in *city*” as well as looking at meetups in city. As well as looking for parks, museums, monuments, walks, local history, pretty geography, public spaces I. E. Libraries, evening classes, sports to play
I’m in Hong Kong.
I go to meetups sometimes.
Generally the idea of exploration of the place
Also temples, religious places, hikes
As for meetups, sometimes you meet interesting people, but often it’s stressful dealing with idiots. And most people are idiots.
You are mostly allowed to do what you like with your time. In terms of going places and later going home to sleep etc.
A large fraction of people are idiots
And the more interesting people are often difficult to connect with more than superficially.
”Allowed to” is a funny idea. No one needs to give you permission to do what you like.
Going to add 7. Social strategy
True. I just don’t feel like I _like_ much.
Also I’m frequently very exhausted, and it’s often hard to work up the energy to do those things.
Do you think you have tried to find many things you like or do you think the bottle neck lies before that? In trying to find them?
If you do nothing (because you are tired) is that a problem?
Yeah, doing nothing all the time sucks. If I stay home I feel like I’m in jail...
but if I go out I feel like I’ve been sent as a labourer to Australia.
At some point the desire to stay home because you are tired should weigh up against the desire to go out and feel like you are not in jail. That is a fine time to leave, feeling bad about both staying at home and leaving the house sounds like a recipe for displeasure either way… Does that make sense?
Well it is, obviously, which is why I feel like I’m in a no-win situation, and want to die.
(or at least part of it)
I mean, occasionally there are meetups and stuff which I go to, and those are ok, but really I have so much free time and since my mental health issues started I’ve alienated almost everyone I knew.
And that just increases the stress and makes it difficult to make new friends.
I would be going down the path of tracing that feeling of bad to its source because it’s not really about staying or going it’s about that bad pressure that appears self imposed.
Do you feel like you _should be doing_ things?
I.e. Going out
Well, I really dislike being alone, but I don’t much like most people.
I think that’s what it boils down to.
And yes, I get that that might not be a healthy state to be in, but again, that I’m not in a healthy state has already been established.
Do you know what part or kind of social interaction you like? When you say “dislike alone” what is “not alone”
Well, I like talking with friends and drinking and doing stuff, but often it’s difficult to make new friends.
Conversation with new people is “not alone”
And you sometimes feel alone when you hang around old friends
Yes, that’s true.
Can you financially afford to go drinking and doing stuff?
I guess new people I meet are often very disappointing, and more than that, even when they aren’t, I myself have a lot of recently developed mental issues it takes a lot of effort to control.
I kind of zone out, frequently. People find that scary.
What kind of new people would you like to meet?
Uhm, I dunno. It’s hard to specify really.
Is your zoning out actually absence or is it more like daydreaming?
Or sometimes I just sort of feel sad.
But usually no internal thoughts associated.
I can sort of afford to go drinking and stuff.
Do you recall things that happen while you are absent?
Mostly not. I can sort of remember it happening but super vague.
Do you feel like you are an automa—following a path you were on, and then you zone back in?
It’s not like in the middle of a sentence, but people notice that I look dead and then sometimes I don’t respond until they call me a couple times, though sometimes I can respond immediately.
More like my energy’s just gone, I guess.
Sometimes I’ll lose track of the conversation, even when I myself am speaking.
That’s not as common recently, though.
I was going to say I suspect an absent seizure. It came up in the lw open thread this week. Let me get you a link
My mother claims I told her I was hospitalised for a head injury around the time my mental health problems started worsening.
I can’t remember the incident, though, and she has not much in the way of specific details.
If you have something like that I am sure it makes everything worse
I had depression before that, but as I said, it had mostly gotten better. On the other hand, there were a lot of issues in my life around the same time which may have led to the recurrence of symptoms as well.
Okay, what kind of person would you like to meet?
Hmm, previously I wanted to see a neurologist because my symptoms were much worse, but they’ve lessened now.
There is medication to reduce seizures to nearly nothing
Which might help
Well, an intelligent person, but those are rare; or someone who’s fun, but finding one who’s willing to put up with my lethargy and depression is hard; or someone who’s nice and not a complete idiot.
It also might help to keep a diary of what you do each day to try to keep track of how often they happen
Maybe. I’m not at all certain I’m having seizures, though.
I have pretty bad memory, too.
Where might you find intelligent people?
A brain scan would tell you if you are or are not having seizures
I have no idea. I guess some of the intellectually-focused meetup groups have some, but not all that many.
Yeah, I’ve been meaning to go to a neurologist, but I frequently fail to get around to stuff.
I would suggest university campus as a viable place
To find smart ones
Maybe, but I’m not in university and probably don’t have the effort to enter.
Also, somewhat smart, but not very smart, people really annoy me.
Universities have a lot of those.
Campuses here are just places you can walk into, not sure what it’s like there
If you want to get out of the house and see something, universities are a nice place to visit
Hmm, I guess I could try.
Many offer classes to the public very cheaply.
You can probably also work out how to sneak into a lecture anyway—they usually don’t check the roll
Any topic of study fancy your interest? To sneak into a lecture about
Hmm, not sure. Linguistics or history might be fun.
CS would probably just be a recap of basic material.
You can usually find course details online and work out where the lectures are and just kinda walk in and sit down—For a bit of fun
How does that translate to meeting people though?
(If it’s not obvious, I’ve never been to uni.)
Chat to people if you want to. Lectures have breaks, uni tries to encourage social groups too usually, barbecues and stuff
If you make yourself look approachable and friendly people will talk to you. It’s how I avoid approaching others. I wear funny hats and strangers talk to me
Really? Haha, what sort of hats?
Pirate hat, top hats, Stetson,
I have about 50 hats
Different ones all the time
That’s on the topic of appearance tho
I don’t look very approachable now :( Since I became ill again my personal health and hygeine have done very poorly.
Do you like being hygienic? Indifferent?
Well, I like being hygenic, but getting to that state is difficult.
Also, I’ve probably gained 40kg since then, so even if I was it’s probably all for naught.
What contributes to that state? For me it’s having a shower and brushing my teeth.
Maybe deodorant too. And clean clothes
Well, those things.
Now I’ve got so fat it’s hard to buy clothes :-/
I would say you can work on that
Both the fat and the clothes
If you want to
Exercise would help you, leaving the house to go for a walk would help you, you don’t need anywhere to go other than around a block or something
Do you track your weight?
Yes, but it’s very difficult.
Is it still climbing or staying where it is?
I’ve tried some stuff. Fasting, methamphetamine, etc., but I was never able to really reduce it.
Difficult to track? To walk? To exercise? To buy clothes?
Weight loss is difficult, Yes
I just don’t have the energy to excercise. Even when I was taking methamphetamine I didn’t have the energy for it.
Would you consider paying for a service that helped you lose weight?
Right now I think it’s not climbing, but I didn’t buy a new scale when my last one broke.
Yes, if I thought it had reasonable chance of being effective.
An option would be to look at what is available
Near to where you live
I don’t think there are any drugs that work as well for weighy loss as meth, though, and that was not effective enough.
I don’t know what else such a service could provide really.
I mean, I _know_ you need to excercise and eat healthy, but I just haven’t been able to do it.
Commitment, a gym, a trainer setting a program
There are greater experts in the field of weight loss than I
Honestly, I’ve tried so much, I do not realistically think I would continue to follow through with that.
Other than the very deepest depths of depression (which I still haven’t fallen to this time around), I’ve never experienced anything as unpleasant as excercise.
I can offer ideas about weight loss and exercise but maybe another time.
What types of exercise?
I suppose there are some illnesses which might do better than meth, but trying to induce those makes me feel very squeamish.
Pretty much anything.
It’a just so hot and icky and tiring.
Oh! Yes, a problem with your geography
Other geographies are not as hot and sticky. Even that has solutions. My exercise is walking, running, swimming, unicycle, circus skills, rock climbing, ice skating, laser tag, and trampoline, I also did pole dance for a while. Also I would kayak and hike more if I had more opportunities...
True. I had some fun doing outdoor type stuff in the Southwestern US.
Moving has its own host of problems, though.
Other sports I have done include table tennis, actual tennis, archery...
The primary one being that I don’t know anyone anywhere else.
I don’t imagine moving will solve all your problems
Except my mother in Florida, USA.
Yes I was going to say, it would certainly make loneliness harder
Especially when you don’t currently know how to make new friends very well
You can exercise at night, find an indoor pool to swim in maybe.
Yes. I did the moving thing once, and it was probably good at the time, but I had fairly exceptional circumstances then which I don’t have now.
There’s a pretty nice pool in my condo, but I get tired. Swimming is exhausting.
And very self-conscious doing excercise around others.
That’s probably equally as serious an issue as the exhaustion.
Night time for self conscious
Take a friend or girlfriend?
Moral support?
Makes me more self conscious :(
You need support network not criticism
Do you trust these people?
Do you think you could track how far you swim and try to increase laps or so?
The idea being to measure progress and feel like you are going somewhere
I don’t think I’ve ever actually trusted anyone, even as a child.
That is a different problem
Yeah. I have a lot of problems. :(
That is okay for a place to be
Better to know than not know.
To be more specific you have a lot of problems *at the same time*
Which is making it hard to work out what the biggest one is, and where to start
Yes. That kind of sucks.
It appears that at the bottom of each problem there is a slightly different problem, also with a solution but one that too needs implementation
I am confident that this can all be fixed, I am also confident that you can enjoy the journey of doing so.
Perhaps you might benefit from writing down the problems until you have a clearer picture for yourself
Yes, that’s how it feels to me too. There’s a large web of problems which are fixable with enough effort, but inter-related so hard to fix one at a time, and I don’t really feel like I have the effort to do it all at once, nor that it would be worth it.
As you talk to me you are clarifying the problems, I imagine that can help to identify them to help solve them.
If I were in your position I would pick the first one that I encountered and try to make a little progress on it before the next one hit me, and trying to make progress on the next one too.
I firmly believe in the concept of _making it easier for future you_.
Sometimes I feel that all of them could be fixed in one go with a more radical change, but that’s a rather scary thing to do.
It is. Especially without experience in radical changes.
Well, I moved alone to a country I’d never been when I was 18. So I guess it’s not entirely unfamiliar.
A change of scenery would probably change the problems. Not necessarily fix them
It could be the motivation you need to help make it easier for you to make progress
But it could also leave you exhausted and worse off
I’ve looked some into moving to the Republic of Georgia.
But I do have friends here, even if there are only a few remaining and I feel increasingly alienated from them.
You might benefit from a time management system
Why? I don’t have enough to even fill one activity per day...
A list of problems, followed by a list of ways to solve the problems followed by a plan of how to spend your next 168 hours towards solving those problems while also not making new ones...
Each week
Energy limited? That’s also a problem. With a solution. You do need sleep and rest
I usually sleep a lot, but it doesn’t feel restful.
I try to go on holidays, but again, usually come back more stressed than before.
That too has a solution. Are you getting enough light when you wake up?
I typically keep the blinds closed.
I don’t like light :(
Bright light when you wake up will help you feel awake more. Only when you wake up.
But then what do I do?
Pick something you want to change and go for it.
The strategy of: “Try X”
It might help to have a notebook paper trail of ideas you have tried
Or thoughts you have had about each problem and how to solve it
Most of the things I want to change are hard to change, computer related (and this not really helpful to not feeling terrible and alone), or things I don’t have a good plan for how to change.
You have as much to do as you want to. You can make a plan.
I guess if I did something computer related it could make money, maybe, but I’d still feel awful. In the longer term it may be helpful, but I’ve tried this before and it is difficult to not get depressed and quit to go cry all day after 30 minutes.
Even the meta strategy of “trying to plan” can help
You should write down that idea
It also seems like you apply pressure and expectations above what you have evidence of yourself being capable of.
The idea of trying to plan, or?
Yes and the “computer thing” idea
You should update on the estimation of your capabilities to be more of a reflection on what you have recently observed you are able to do
I have a lot of computer thing ideas. I know pretty specifically how to do them, but sitting it down and typing it out is harder.
Well, I can walk to 7⁄11 if I put a lot of effort into it.
That’s about it...
Which is a way of saying to start small. Reset from the beginning (which is not easy)
That doesn’t seem helpful.
That’s what your baseline is
Anything upwards is now impressive.
Including this conversation
You have come a long way already
Doesn’t feel like it. Starting from walking to 7⁄11 sounds kind of exhausting and not very enjoyable.
But that’s where you are right now
I would say try habit RPG, but I never found it useful to me
Yeah, but I mean, back on to the original point, all this seems much harder than trying to work through my hangups about suicide.
Possibly, Yes.
All these problems are solveable, But perhaps
What about the possibility of solving the most immediate discomfort at any time?
What is the most immediate discomfort right now?
I feel stressed about life being shit generally, I guess.
Which is generally how I feel when I have nothing specific to be stressed about.
What can you do about that right now? How can you make life less generally shit for the you that lives 10 minutes in the future?
Or maybe make yourself feel less stressed about it
I guess I could try to do some meditation. That used to work, but hasn’t been so much recently.
For the stress part, at least.
I have no idea how to make life immediately less crap in the next ten minutes.
I would suggest your environment or hygiene
As they are usually quick low hanging ideas.
What sorts of things are you thinking of specifically with regard to those that could be accomplished within 10 minutes?
A shower, a little cleaning up your space, changing clothes
Taking out the trash
I guess that’s doable.
Welp, done that. I suppose I do feel mildly better...
That particular strategy is called success spirals. Successfully doing a thing to help the you of the future slightly. One bit at a time.
I should add—if you want to talk about death we should have that talk too
Death, dying, pain
Well, death seems somewhat scary in the immediate sense.
Especially death by falling, which is the most low-effort solution for someone living in a high rise building.
You need at least 10 floors to be confident of a sudden death
More high-effort strategies, like pentobarbital or such, seem more palatable, but not quite as immediately actionable.
I’m on the tenth floor, and I think there’s 20 something.
And it depends whether you want to impact others I. E. Seeing you fall and or the body
I don’t really care, though obviously I wouldn’t want anyone seeing me “on the ledge” if I couldn’t go through with it.
OTOH, nighttime is a thing.
But it’s … scary.
Have you ever been with someone during suicide?
No, I recently discouraged someone from taking action in person. They were making rash decisions at the time
At least 3 people in my life have come close. They are not all better yet, still in limbo of up and down
I would still encourage you to do the things that you want. Have you read the guilt series by nate soares?
No. What is it about?
Why we have guilt and defeating it where it’s not appropriate
I don’t think I experience a significant amount of guilt.
Guilt in the sense of, “should be going out” but “should stay in”. The conflicting desire of parts of you to do different things. And sorting it out
Ah, hmm
I will read the Guilt series then...
I also went through a period of time when I felt purposeless, I described it as, “everything is meaningless” and it’s bothering me. As distinctly different to, “everything is meaningless and it doesn’t matter”
Everything being meaningless doesn’t bother me. I don’t think meaningfulness is a possible thing in any universe. Everything being shitty and empty bothers me, but that’s rather different.
http://mindingourway.com/dont-steer-with-guilt/ ← this?
Yes, but that’s the middle of the series, better to start in the beginning
That’s the table of contents
Hmm, it’s a pretty good read.
------------------------------------ Later in time...............
Finished it. It was long!
I liked it more than Eliezer’s writing. It may even have been potentially useful irl, maybe.
do you think you can apply things to your life?
Maybe. I’ve been trying to do the breaking things up part.
I made a small amount of money with stupid computer things… I guess that’s a modicum of progress, maybe.
I liked the last part about changing goals. That might be useful.
Visualising bad things seems like a potentially helpful strategy as well.
A lot of the techniques do seem effective. Hopefully it will make a positive difference.
---------------------A long time later--------------
I promised to get back to you.
how are things?
it’s been a while..
I’m doing somewhat better. Got on meds for bipolar disorder, which has helped a lot.
Yeah. Been trying to actually do things now, so I feel less stagnant.
Oh! great!
Hopefully life will end up in a better place than before.
The Problem TM
What is actually the problem? I have a theory, but I also wanted to publish this without declaring my answer. I will share my ideas in a few weeks but I want to know what you think and how you came to that answer.
Meta: this conversation happened over 6 months ago, this took 2 hours to collate, tidy and publish.
Originally published here: http://bearlamp.com.au/the-problem-tm-analyse-a-conversation/