I would argue that leaders like Xi would not immediately choose general human flourishing as the goal. Xi has a giant chip on his shoulder. I suspect (not with any real proof, but just from a general intuition) that he feels western powers humiliated imperial China and that permanently disabling them is the first order of business. That means immediately dissolving western governments and placing them under CCP control. Part of human flourishing is the feeling of agency. Having a foreign government use AI to remove their government is probably not conducive to human flourishing. Instead, it will produce utter despair and hopelessness.
Consider what the US did with Native Americans using complete tech superiority. Subjugation and decimation in the name of “improvement” and “reeducation.” Their governments were eliminated. They were often forcibly relocated at gunpoint. Schools were created to beat out “savage” habits from children. Their children were seized and rehomed with Whites. Their languages were forcibly suppresed and destroyed. Many killed themselves rather than submit. That is what I’d expect to happen to the West if China gets AGI.
Unfortunately, given the rate at which things are moving, I expect the West’s slight lead to evaporate. They’ve already fast copied SORA. The West is unprepared to contend with a fully operational China. The counter measures are half-hearted and too late. I foresee a very bleak future.
I would argue that leaders like Xi would not immediately choose general human flourishing as the goal. Xi has a giant chip on his shoulder. I suspect (not with any real proof, but just from a general intuition) that he feels western powers humiliated imperial China and that permanently disabling them is the first order of business. That means immediately dissolving western governments and placing them under CCP control. Part of human flourishing is the feeling of agency. Having a foreign government use AI to remove their government is probably not conducive to human flourishing. Instead, it will produce utter despair and hopelessness.
Consider what the US did with Native Americans using complete tech superiority. Subjugation and decimation in the name of “improvement” and “reeducation.” Their governments were eliminated. They were often forcibly relocated at gunpoint. Schools were created to beat out “savage” habits from children. Their children were seized and rehomed with Whites. Their languages were forcibly suppresed and destroyed. Many killed themselves rather than submit. That is what I’d expect to happen to the West if China gets AGI.
Unfortunately, given the rate at which things are moving, I expect the West’s slight lead to evaporate. They’ve already fast copied SORA. The West is unprepared to contend with a fully operational China. The counter measures are half-hearted and too late. I foresee a very bleak future.