The whole “Repent!” sign experiment strikes me as very strange.
Repent, Sinners? Repent, Deniers?
Knowing where and when the question was posed would be hugely informative. On a religious-affiliated campus, one would expect more people who buy into repenting for sins, therefore justifying the higher estimate.
Not the point of the post, I know, but this experiement by itself is poking at my brain.
The whole “Repent!” sign experiment strikes me as very strange. Repent, Sinners? Repent, Deniers?
Knowing where and when the question was posed would be hugely informative. On a religious-affiliated campus, one would expect more people who buy into repenting for sins, therefore justifying the higher estimate.
Not the point of the post, I know, but this experiement by itself is poking at my brain.