Since you’re likely the one who would benefit from it, hopefully you brainstormed for a few minutes before you decided that my “religion” approach was really the most effective one—I just typed the first idea that popped in my head and seemed to work.
Huh? Not only was it just an example, but Sophilism is incompatible with every religion I know of.
Anyway, I didn’t brainstorm it for roughly the same reason I don’t brainstorm specific ways to build a pepertum mobile. The way my brain is set up, I can’t reject rationality in any single situation like that without rejecting the entire concept of rationality, and without that my entire belief structure disintegrates onto postmodern relativist sophilism. Similar but more temporary things have happened before and the consequences are truly catastrophic.
And yea, this obviously isn’t how it’s supposed to work but I’ve not been able to fix it, or even figure out what would be needed to do so.
Since you’re likely the one who would benefit from it, hopefully you brainstormed for a few minutes before you decided that my “religion” approach was really the most effective one—I just typed the first idea that popped in my head and seemed to work.
Huh? Not only was it just an example, but Sophilism is incompatible with every religion I know of.
Anyway, I didn’t brainstorm it for roughly the same reason I don’t brainstorm specific ways to build a pepertum mobile. The way my brain is set up, I can’t reject rationality in any single situation like that without rejecting the entire concept of rationality, and without that my entire belief structure disintegrates onto postmodern relativist sophilism. Similar but more temporary things have happened before and the consequences are truly catastrophic.
And yea, this obviously isn’t how it’s supposed to work but I’ve not been able to fix it, or even figure out what would be needed to do so.