My description “better capabilities than average adult human in almost all respects”, differs from “would be capable of running most people’s lives better than they could”. You appear to be taking these as synonymous.
The economically useful question is more along the lines of “what fraction of time taken on tasks could a business expect to be able to delegate to these agents for free vs a median human that they have to employ at socially acceptable wages” (taking into account supervision needs and other overheads in each case).
My guess is currently “more than half, probably not yet 80%”. There are still plenty of tasks that a supervised 120 IQ human can do that current models can’t. I do not think there will remain many tasks that a 100 IQ human can do with supervision that a current AI model cannot with the same degree of supervision, after adjusting processes to suit the differing strengths and weakness of each.
My description “better capabilities than average adult human in almost all respects”, differs from “would be capable of running most people’s lives better than they could”. You appear to be taking these as synonymous.
The economically useful question is more along the lines of “what fraction of time taken on tasks could a business expect to be able to delegate to these agents for free vs a median human that they have to employ at socially acceptable wages” (taking into account supervision needs and other overheads in each case).
My guess is currently “more than half, probably not yet 80%”. There are still plenty of tasks that a supervised 120 IQ human can do that current models can’t. I do not think there will remain many tasks that a 100 IQ human can do with supervision that a current AI model cannot with the same degree of supervision, after adjusting processes to suit the differing strengths and weakness of each.