I tried adderall. It was terrible. My reaction to it was the complete opposite of what it should have been. It put me in a negative emotional state. I felt depressed and stressed, like there was something constricting my chest and throat. I felt on the verge of crying/screaming for large portions of the evening.
It made it harder to concentrate on a single task. I was trying to do reading, and I had to also be singing along with music as well (I normally work with headphones on, but singing along is NOT a norm.) or I would get antsy. I was reading something that I would normally find really interesting, but on adderall it couldn’t hold my attention at all. It (and everything else) seemed boring and like an undesirable task. My motivation to do things like “take the dog outside,” or “do ANYTHING” also plummeted. (Don’t worry about my pup. Of course I DID take him outside. It just took more effort.)
My reaction was weird enough that I double-checked that the pill wasn’t a placebo, and that my dosage was strong enough that it shouldn’t be explainable by “I just happened to have a really bad day that day.”
If you don’t mind my asking, what dose did you try? I’ve used adderall regularly at low to moderate-low doses with very typical responses, and find myself curious about atypical responses.
I’m glad that you like it! I feel the same way about it and its enactiopure cousin r-modafinill which doesn’t have much of an uncomfortable body high even in higher doses like 300mg.
My advice is try a safer stimulant like modafinil. Mymodafinil.com is a good souce that will also help you try the enactiopure version which has been know to produce less body high like effects you described above.
I tried adderall. It was terrible. My reaction to it was the complete opposite of what it should have been. It put me in a negative emotional state. I felt depressed and stressed, like there was something constricting my chest and throat. I felt on the verge of crying/screaming for large portions of the evening.
It made it harder to concentrate on a single task. I was trying to do reading, and I had to also be singing along with music as well (I normally work with headphones on, but singing along is NOT a norm.) or I would get antsy. I was reading something that I would normally find really interesting, but on adderall it couldn’t hold my attention at all. It (and everything else) seemed boring and like an undesirable task. My motivation to do things like “take the dog outside,” or “do ANYTHING” also plummeted. (Don’t worry about my pup. Of course I DID take him outside. It just took more effort.)
My reaction was weird enough that I double-checked that the pill wasn’t a placebo, and that my dosage was strong enough that it shouldn’t be explainable by “I just happened to have a really bad day that day.”
So, adderall....never again.
If you don’t mind my asking, what dose did you try? I’ve used adderall regularly at low to moderate-low doses with very typical responses, and find myself curious about atypical responses.
I took about 7 mg of it.
As an aside, I used modafinil to go without sleep last night, and it was AMAZING! I’ll write more on it later, after it’s over.
I’m glad that you like it! I feel the same way about it and its enactiopure cousin r-modafinill which doesn’t have much of an uncomfortable body high even in higher doses like 300mg.
My advice is try a safer stimulant like modafinil. Mymodafinil.com is a good souce that will also help you try the enactiopure version which has been know to produce less body high like effects you described above.
Most definitely. I’m trying modafinil on Friday. It was just timing/convenience that I happened to try adderall first.