Just about any site you visit nowadays will be recording a substantial set of data on your visit, even if it just records the pages you visited, your IP and your browser’s id string. If it’s a problem I suggest masking your IP / changing how your browser identifies itself, rather than changing one specific site.
(Personally I find it interesting, if not demonstrably useful to know where less wrong readers are coming from. Of course you could view this using only aggregate stats.)
I think I wasn’t clear enough. I maintain several webservices. I perfectly understand that lesswrong collecting such data about me is normal. But I am not happy that sitemeter publishes the whole stuff in a non-aggregated form, for everyone to see in real time. Do you suggest that this is usual, too?
Just about any site you visit nowadays will be recording a substantial set of data on your visit, even if it just records the pages you visited, your IP and your browser’s id string. If it’s a problem I suggest masking your IP / changing how your browser identifies itself, rather than changing one specific site.
(Personally I find it interesting, if not demonstrably useful to know where less wrong readers are coming from. Of course you could view this using only aggregate stats.)
I think I wasn’t clear enough. I maintain several webservices. I perfectly understand that lesswrong collecting such data about me is normal. But I am not happy that sitemeter publishes the whole stuff in a non-aggregated form, for everyone to see in real time. Do you suggest that this is usual, too?