You are very much in the minority if you want to abolish norms in general.
There’s a parallel here with the fifth amendment’s protection from self incrimination making it harder to enforce laws and laws being good on average. This isn’t paradoxical because the fifth amendment doesn’t make it equally difficult to enforce all laws. Actions that harm other people tend to have other ways of leaving evidence that can be used to convict. If you murder someone, the body is proof that someone has been harmed and the DNA in your van points towards you being the culprit. If you steal someone’s bike, you don’t have to confess in order to be caught with the stolen bike. On the other hand, things that stay in the privacy of your own home with consenting adults are *much* harder to acquire evidence for if you aren’t allowed to force people to testify against themselves. They’re also much less likely to be things that actually need to be sought out and punished.
If it were the case that one coherent agent were picking all the rules with good intent, then it wouldn’t make sense to create rules that make enforcement of other rules harder. There isn’t one coherent agent picking all the rules and intent isn’t always good, so it’s important to fight for meta rules that make it selectively hard to enforce any bad rules that get through.
You can try to argue that preventing blackmail isn’t selective *enough* (or that it selects in the wrong direction), but you can’t just equate blackmail with “norm enforcement [applied evenly across the board]”.
There’s a parallel here with the fifth amendment’s protection from self incrimination making it harder to enforce laws and laws being good on average. This isn’t paradoxical because the fifth amendment doesn’t make it equally difficult to enforce all laws. Actions that harm other people tend to have other ways of leaving evidence that can be used to convict. If you murder someone, the body is proof that someone has been harmed and the DNA in your van points towards you being the culprit. If you steal someone’s bike, you don’t have to confess in order to be caught with the stolen bike. On the other hand, things that stay in the privacy of your own home with consenting adults are *much* harder to acquire evidence for if you aren’t allowed to force people to testify against themselves. They’re also much less likely to be things that actually need to be sought out and punished.
If it were the case that one coherent agent were picking all the rules with good intent, then it wouldn’t make sense to create rules that make enforcement of other rules harder. There isn’t one coherent agent picking all the rules and intent isn’t always good, so it’s important to fight for meta rules that make it selectively hard to enforce any bad rules that get through.
You can try to argue that preventing blackmail isn’t selective *enough* (or that it selects in the wrong direction), but you can’t just equate blackmail with “norm enforcement [applied evenly across the board]”.