This is not exactly true. Here is similar statistics (“what is a greatest danger in 21 century ”) from astronomy forum :
Nuclear war − 19.8 % Resources depletion − 10 % Nothing, there is no threat − 9,4% Asteroid − 8,4 % Lack of interest for life − 6.3% Overpopulation − 5.5% AI − 4.5% Simulation shutdown − 3.9% Solar flare − 3.7% Grey goo − 2.4% Biological weapons − 3.5% Supervulcano − 2.6%
(rest goes to “other” ).
This is not exactly true. Here is similar statistics (“what is a greatest danger in 21 century ”) from astronomy forum :
Nuclear war − 19.8 % Resources depletion − 10 % Nothing, there is no threat − 9,4% Asteroid − 8,4 % Lack of interest for life − 6.3% Overpopulation − 5.5% AI − 4.5% Simulation shutdown − 3.9% Solar flare − 3.7% Grey goo − 2.4% Biological weapons − 3.5% Supervulcano − 2.6%
(rest goes to “other” ).