How do you use librarians? College libraries seems to pay money to employee qualified librarians. Being a student myself that means I sort of have access to them as a resource but never really used them for help.
Did anyone here used the librarians at his local university to find information that he otherwise wouldn’t have found or had other good experiences with librarians?
The librarians at the company I work for will produce reports on topics you ask them about by compiling results from data bases. It is actually quite useful and would take a lot of learning for the non-librarian to produce.
I have used libraries all my life, but I have never used a librarian, except for the fact of their running the libraries. Not even before the Internet. I have never quite understood what one would consult a librarian for, especially now that we have the Internet and Google.
Good librarians know their way around databases and such; in the past, they’ve helped me with research when my Google Fu wasn’t strong enough to accomplish my goals. (Particularly relevant at colleges and such institutions that can get through paywalls)
How do you use librarians? College libraries seems to pay money to employee qualified librarians. Being a student myself that means I sort of have access to them as a resource but never really used them for help.
Did anyone here used the librarians at his local university to find information that he otherwise wouldn’t have found or had other good experiences with librarians?
Try asking the librarians what they can do for you, even if you don’t bring a specific project to ask about.
The librarians at the company I work for will produce reports on topics you ask them about by compiling results from data bases. It is actually quite useful and would take a lot of learning for the non-librarian to produce.
I have used libraries all my life, but I have never used a librarian, except for the fact of their running the libraries. Not even before the Internet. I have never quite understood what one would consult a librarian for, especially now that we have the Internet and Google.
Good librarians know their way around databases and such; in the past, they’ve helped me with research when my Google Fu wasn’t strong enough to accomplish my goals. (Particularly relevant at colleges and such institutions that can get through paywalls)
Could you give examples?