Hebrew: רהיט s(2), כסא s(2), כורסה s(2 - closer to “armchair”)
Russian: мебель (2), стул (1), кресло (2 - closer to “armchair”)
Modern Hebrew was strongly affected by its artificial revival due to Eliezer Ben-Yehuda so it might violate “evolutionary” laws.
The Hebrew word for “furniture” I wrote is singular i.e. corresponds to “a piece of furniture” in English. Plural is רהיטים which has 3 syllables.
In both languages I don’t know a word for “recliner” as opposed to “armchair”. It is probably possible to use some 2 word combination like in Slovak.
Hebrew: רהיט s(2), כסא s(2), כורסה s(2 - closer to “armchair”)
Russian: мебель (2), стул (1), кресло (2 - closer to “armchair”)
Modern Hebrew was strongly affected by its artificial revival due to Eliezer Ben-Yehuda so it might violate “evolutionary” laws.
The Hebrew word for “furniture” I wrote is singular i.e. corresponds to “a piece of furniture” in English. Plural is רהיטים which has 3 syllables.
In both languages I don’t know a word for “recliner” as opposed to “armchair”. It is probably possible to use some 2 word combination like in Slovak.