I didn’t mean to imply that you shouldn’t care about any politics, just that this topic sounds like gossip, not an attempt to “advance politics in the right direction.”
Isn’t this the worst argument in the world? I don’t think this topic is anywhere near the central element of the set “gossip”. Gossip is if we talk about the Kardashians.
Gossip has two meanings. One meaning is talking about people you know. That is real political coalition-building. The other is celebrity gossip, where you fool yourself into thinking that you are doing politics.
What the BBC writes could be classified as gossip. I don’t really disagree on that point.
Reading articles that are really intended to inform about the crisis in the Ukraine is however not gossip. To me it’s a major political event. I also live in Europe so it’s more important to me as it would be if I would live in the US.
I think that if you want to advance politics in the right direction you first have to understand the playing field. That means understanding major events.
I however won’t judge anybody who thinks that dealing with politics isn’t worth his time because he doesn’t see an effect on his actions.
I didn’t mean to imply that you shouldn’t care about any politics, just that this topic sounds like gossip, not an attempt to “advance politics in the right direction.”
Isn’t this the worst argument in the world? I don’t think this topic is anywhere near the central element of the set “gossip”. Gossip is if we talk about the Kardashians.
It’s politics, though.
Gossip has two meanings. One meaning is talking about people you know. That is real political coalition-building. The other is celebrity gossip, where you fool yourself into thinking that you are doing politics.
I am sorry, but world politics is just not the same as gossip.
What the BBC writes could be classified as gossip. I don’t really disagree on that point.
Reading articles that are really intended to inform about the crisis in the Ukraine is however not gossip. To me it’s a major political event. I also live in Europe so it’s more important to me as it would be if I would live in the US.
I think that if you want to advance politics in the right direction you first have to understand the playing field. That means understanding major events.
I however won’t judge anybody who thinks that dealing with politics isn’t worth his time because he doesn’t see an effect on his actions.