Minor point: the Naskapi hunters didn’t actually do that. That was speculation which was never verified, runs counter to a lot of facts, and in fact, may not have been about aboriginal hunters at all but actually inspired by the author’s then-highly-classified experiences in submarine warfare in WWII in the Battle of the Atlantic. (If you ever thought to yourself, ‘wow, that Eskimo story sounds like an amazingly clear example of mixed-strategies from game theory’...) See some anthropologist criticism & my commentary on the WWII part at https://gwern.net/doc/sociology/index#vollweiler-sanchez-1983-section
Minor point: the Naskapi hunters didn’t actually do that. That was speculation which was never verified, runs counter to a lot of facts, and in fact, may not have been about aboriginal hunters at all but actually inspired by the author’s then-highly-classified experiences in submarine warfare in WWII in the Battle of the Atlantic. (If you ever thought to yourself, ‘wow, that Eskimo story sounds like an amazingly clear example of mixed-strategies from game theory’...) See some anthropologist criticism & my commentary on the WWII part at https://gwern.net/doc/sociology/index#vollweiler-sanchez-1983-section