I didn’t make it past the one-page preview. Looks very Dan Brown-y stylistically. Also, the nicer review is by Giulio Prisco, who seems to be more of a general booster of transhumanism memes than a critical book reviewer. If even he can only muster lukewarm appreciation, I’d count that as a pretty bad sign.
Though I guess there is some poignancy in a book extolling the drive to achieve a state of all-encompassing superhuman cognition at all costs being itself the product of somewhat inept fiction writing skills.
I didn’t make it past the one-page preview. Looks very Dan Brown-y stylistically. Also, the nicer review is by Giulio Prisco, who seems to be more of a general booster of transhumanism memes than a critical book reviewer. If even he can only muster lukewarm appreciation, I’d count that as a pretty bad sign.
Though I guess there is some poignancy in a book extolling the drive to achieve a state of all-encompassing superhuman cognition at all costs being itself the product of somewhat inept fiction writing skills.