Quick calibration test for those who like to have opinions on the US: of the standard US racial groupings (white, black, hispanic, asian) and the overall population, which do you expect to have the highest gini ratio for income? Why?
I found that graph unreadable, so I made a new one using ggplot.
The problem was that the colors were not distinguishable and that the legend was hard to read. This was compounded by the use of two colors for the same race, but even when ggplot chose 7 colors, they were better than the fed’s 7 colors. Actually, the 4 colors before the break were distinguishable, and it was possible to identify them using the hover legend (vs the main legend), but I didn’t figure that out until I was done.
Quick calibration test for those who like to have opinions on the US: of the standard US racial groupings (white, black, hispanic, asian) and the overall population, which do you expect to have the highest gini ratio for income? Why?
Here is the answer, according to the US Fed
Please use rot13 for spoilers.
I found that graph unreadable, so I made a new one using ggplot.
The problem was that the colors were not distinguishable and that the legend was hard to read. This was compounded by the use of two colors for the same race, but even when ggplot chose 7 colors, they were better than the fed’s 7 colors. Actually, the 4 colors before the break were distinguishable, and it was possible to identify them using the hover legend (vs the main legend), but I didn’t figure that out until I was done.
That’s a much better graph, thanks!
Pbafvqrevat vzzvtengvba geraqf naq rlronyyvat jbeyq zncf bs tvav, V’q fnl Uvfcnavpf sbe gur sbyybjvat ernfbaf:
Gur oneevre gb ragel vf zhpu ybjre sbe Yngva Nzrevpn, fb vzzvtenagf jvyy or yrff fryrpgrq, fb gurl’yy cerfreir zber bs gur vardhnyvgl bs gurve ubzr pbhagevrf.
Yngvanzrevpna pbhagevrf arneyl nyy fpber uvture guna gur HFN.
Rhebcrna pbhagevrf arneyl nyy fpber ybjre (jvgu gur nffhzcgvba orvat gung juvgr Nzrevpnaf orunir zber-be-yrff fvzvyneyl gb gurve Byq Jbeyq pbhfvaf).
Gur gbc 5 zbfg pbzzba onpxtebhaqf bs Nfvna Nzrevpnaf ner Puvarfr, Vaqvna, Svyvcvab, Ivrganzrfr naq Xberna. Bs gubfr 5 pbhagevrf, bayl Puvan unf n uvture TVAV pbrssvpvrag guna gur HFN (ntnva jvgu gur nobir nffhzcgvba, naq gur nqqrq rssrpg bs fgebat fryrpgvba jvyy erqhpr inevngvba fgvyy shegure).
V qba’g xabj zhpu nobhg Nsevpna Nzrevpnaf, ohg V’q jntre gung zbfg ner pyhfgrerq nebhaq gur obggbz bs gur vapbzr qvfgevohgvba naq guhf unir n ybjre nzbhag bs jvguva-enpr vardhnyvgl.
“Uvfcnavp” nf n pngrtbel vf fbzrguvat bs n yrtny svpgvba—vg vapyhqrf crbcyr bs pbzcyrgr Fcnavfu naprfgel, zhynggbf, Nzrevaqvnaf, oynpx Nsevpnaf naq rira Nfvna vzzvtenagf. Sebz gung nybar V’q rkcrpg znffvir inevngvba va bhgpbzrf.
Well, that was a bit surprising.