The simplest explanation I can see: I’m pretty sure the writers who coined some of the memes you reference (i.e. “Bayesian Conspiracy,” “higher gate”) were drawing on those very same occult traditions for affect and flair.
I’m pretty sure this is false, except insofar as some of the style of Western ceremonial magic has seeped into pop-cultural ideas of how conspiracies and secret teachings work. There isn’t much overlap in doctrine, terminology, or practice other than what you’d expect from two different groups that’ve spent a lot of time thinking about how to cause change in accordance with will (which we call “instrumental rationality” and they call “magic”).
I’m pretty sure this is false, except insofar as some of the style of Western ceremonial magic has seeped into pop-cultural ideas of how conspiracies and secret teachings work. There isn’t much overlap in doctrine, terminology, or practice other than what you’d expect from two different groups that’ve spent a lot of time thinking about how to cause change in accordance with will (which we call “instrumental rationality” and they call “magic”).