You could share the events with your friends and family who may be near, and signal boost media coverage of the events after! If you want to donate to keep me organizing events, I have a GoFundMe (and if anyone wants to give a larger amount, I’m happy to talk about how to do that :D). If you want to organize future events yourself, please DM me. Even putting the pause emoji ⏸️ in your twitter name helps :)
Here are the participating cities and links: October 21st (Saturday), in multiple countries
You could share the events with your friends and family who may be near, and signal boost media coverage of the events after! If you want to donate to keep me organizing events, I have a GoFundMe (and if anyone wants to give a larger amount, I’m happy to talk about how to do that :D). If you want to organize future events yourself, please DM me. Even putting the pause emoji ⏸️ in your twitter name helps :)
Here are the participating cities and links:
October 21st (Saturday), in multiple countries
US, California, San Francisco (facebook)
US, Massachusetts, Boston (facebook)
UK, Parliament Square, London (Sign up, facebook)
Netherlands, Den Haag (Sign up)
Australia, Melbourne (Sign up)
Canada, Ottawa (Organized by Align the World, sign up on facebook or EventBrite)
Denmark, Copenhagen (Facebook)