In this response I eschew the word ‘optimization’[1] but ‘control procedure’ might be synonymous with one rendering of ‘optimization’.
Some bacteria perform[2] a basic deliberation, ‘trying out’ alternative directions and periodically evaluating a heuristic (e.g. estimated sugar density) to seek out preferred locations. Iterated, this produces a simple control procedure which locates food items and avoids harmful substances. It can do this in a wide range of contexts, but clearly not all (as Peter alluded to via No Free Lunch). Put growing and dividing aside for now (they are separate algorithms).
A boiling water bubble doesn’t do any deliberation—it’s a ‘reaction’ in my terminology. But, within the context of ‘is underwater in X temperature and Y pressure range and Z gravitational field distribution’, its movement and essential nature are preserved, so it’s ‘iterated’, and hence the relatively direct path to the surface can be thought of as a consequence of a (very very basic) control procedure. Outside of this context it’s disabled or destroyed.
I take these basic examples as belonging to a spectrum of control procedures. Much more sophisticated ones may be able to proceed more efficiently to their goals, or do so from a wider range of starting conditions.
EDIT to be clear, I think the internal difference between the bubble and the bacterium is that the bacterium evaluates e.g. sugar concentrations to form a (very minimal) estimated model of the ‘world’ around it, and these evaluations affect its ongoing behaviour. The bubble doesn’t do this.
Right, so the difference between an optimizer-like control procedure and your basic reaction-based control procedure is the existence of an identifiable “world model” that is used for “deliberation” and the deliberation engine is separate from the world model, but uses it to “make decisions”? Or am I missing something?
Yes, pretty much that’s a distinction I’d draw as meaningful, except I’d call the first one a ‘deliberative (optive) control procedure’, not an ‘optimizer’, because I think ‘optimizer’ has too many vague connotations.
The ‘world model’ doesn’t have to be separate from the deliberation, or even manifested at all: consider iterated natural selection, which deliberates over mutations, without having a separate ‘model’ of anything—because the evaluationis the promotion and the action (unless you count the world itself and the replication counts of various traits as the model). But in the bacterial case, there really is some (basic) world model in the form of internal chemical states.
P.s. plants also do the basic thing I’d call deliberative control (or iterated deliberation). In the cases I described in that link, the model state is represented in analogue by the physical growth of the plant.
(And yes, in all cases these are inner misaligned in some weak fashion.)
In this response I eschew the word ‘optimization’[1] but ‘control procedure’ might be synonymous with one rendering of ‘optimization’.
Some bacteria perform[2] a basic deliberation, ‘trying out’ alternative directions and periodically evaluating a heuristic (e.g. estimated sugar density) to seek out preferred locations. Iterated, this produces a simple control procedure which locates food items and avoids harmful substances. It can do this in a wide range of contexts, but clearly not all (as Peter alluded to via No Free Lunch). Put growing and dividing aside for now (they are separate algorithms).
A boiling water bubble doesn’t do any deliberation—it’s a ‘reaction’ in my terminology. But, within the context of ‘is underwater in X temperature and Y pressure range and Z gravitational field distribution’, its movement and essential nature are preserved, so it’s ‘iterated’, and hence the relatively direct path to the surface can be thought of as a consequence of a (very very basic) control procedure. Outside of this context it’s disabled or destroyed.
I take these basic examples as belonging to a spectrum of control procedures. Much more sophisticated ones may be able to proceed more efficiently to their goals, or do so from a wider range of starting conditions.
EDIT to be clear, I think the internal difference between the bubble and the bacterium is that the bacterium evaluates e.g. sugar concentrations to form a (very minimal) estimated model of the ‘world’ around it, and these evaluations affect its ongoing behaviour. The bubble doesn’t do this.
For the same reasons I have been trying to eschew ‘agent’
HT John Wentworth for this video link
Right, so the difference between an optimizer-like control procedure and your basic reaction-based control procedure is the existence of an identifiable “world model” that is used for “deliberation” and the deliberation engine is separate from the world model, but uses it to “make decisions”? Or am I missing something?
Yes, pretty much that’s a distinction I’d draw as meaningful, except I’d call the first one a ‘deliberative (optive) control procedure’, not an ‘optimizer’, because I think ‘optimizer’ has too many vague connotations.
The ‘world model’ doesn’t have to be separate from the deliberation, or even manifested at all: consider iterated natural selection, which deliberates over mutations, without having a separate ‘model’ of anything—because the evaluation is the promotion and the action (unless you count the world itself and the replication counts of various traits as the model). But in the bacterial case, there really is some (basic) world model in the form of internal chemical states.
P.s. plants also do the basic thing I’d call deliberative control (or iterated deliberation). In the cases I described in that link, the model state is represented in analogue by the physical growth of the plant.
(And yes, in all cases these are inner misaligned in some weak fashion.)