I must be hanging with a very different crowd: I had never heard of anyone saying that death is what gives meaning to life. It seems such an obviously stupid notion that I can only imagine someone cooked it up to make him/herself look deep—and failed because everyone else cried “sour grapes!”
I do think that I will grow old and die. I don’t like it, but there are worse things (eg, I could die before I grow old).
I must be hanging with a very different crowd: I had never heard of anyone saying that death is what gives meaning to life. It seems such an obviously stupid notion that I can only imagine someone cooked it up to make him/herself look deep—and failed because everyone else cried “sour grapes!” P.S. I do think that I will grow old and die. I don’t like it, but there are worse things (eg, I could die before I grow old).