I’ve seen theists explain why they’re theists and be well-received for it. Actual attempts at conversion tend to end badly—the community interprets them as disruptive and broadly equivalent to trolling—but they’re also very rare.
Based on this pattern, I’d say the right clothing metaphor would be neither black nor a clown suit, but something more along the lines of wearing a thawb and matching headdress in the US or western Europe: quaint, exotic, interesting, and vaguely backward and threatening in stereotype if not in reality.
I’ve seen theists explain why they’re theists and be well-received for it.
Too well received at times. The ‘open-mindedness’ signalling impulse is such that even terrible arguments in favour of theism are defended from criticism. (Kind of like the privileges given to disabled people.)
Plus I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen a theist argue his case on LW. I do know of at least two Catholics who use our shibboleths though.
I’ve seen theists explain why they’re theists and be well-received for it. Actual attempts at conversion tend to end badly—the community interprets them as disruptive and broadly equivalent to trolling—but they’re also very rare.
Based on this pattern, I’d say the right clothing metaphor would be neither black nor a clown suit, but something more along the lines of wearing a thawb and matching headdress in the US or western Europe: quaint, exotic, interesting, and vaguely backward and threatening in stereotype if not in reality.
Too well received at times. The ‘open-mindedness’ signalling impulse is such that even terrible arguments in favour of theism are defended from criticism. (Kind of like the privileges given to disabled people.)