A lot of the creepiness stuff comes from online social justice people.
This statement is quite spot on, and in more ways than you realize. There must be something about this particular form of self-styled “social” and “political” engagement (it is of course nothing of the sort) that makes folks especially likely to exhibit Great Internet F****ad behavior. Thank goodness it’s all harmless Internet fun of no consequence for the real world—but if that wasn’t the case I would be seriously creeped out.
This statement is quite spot on, and in more ways than you realize. There must be something about this particular form of self-styled “social” and “political” engagement (it is of course nothing of the sort) that makes folks especially likely to exhibit Great Internet F****ad behavior. Thank goodness it’s all harmless Internet fun of no consequence for the real world—but if that wasn’t the case I would be seriously creeped out.