Which version of Chrome, please? (You can find this out by putting chrome://version into your URL bar.)
5 other instances of LaTex (some paragraph equations, some not) on 3 other posts work.
Hmm, so it is just that one specific post, and the equations in that one post copy-paste incorrectly, while the equations in every other post you’ve tried copy-paste correctly? Is that right?
Hmm, I can’t replicate this bug on GreaterWrong. Could you please say what browser/version/platform you are using?
Also, do other equations on other posts work?
Chrome downloaded from Google, running on Fedora 38 using the standard graphical environment (Gnome on Wayland).
Firefox works correctly.
>Also, do other equations on other posts work?
5 other instances of LaTex (some paragraph equations, some not) on 3 other posts work.
Which version of Chrome, please? (You can find this out by putting
into your URL bar.)Hmm, so it is just that one specific post, and the equations in that one post copy-paste incorrectly, while the equations in every other post you’ve tried copy-paste correctly? Is that right?
Chrome reports as 117.0.5938.92 (Official Build) (64-bit).
I already described the problem with the first paragraph equation (display equation) on the page.
The second paragraph equation, which can be located by searching for “log-likelihood”, also has the problem. In particular, it copies as
\text{PPL}(X) = \exp\left(-\frac{1}{n}\sum_i^n \log p_\theta(x_i|x_{
The third one, locatable via “concept vector v”, works correctly:
P_{\perp}(x_i) = x_i - \frac{}{||v||^2}v\,.
There is no fourth paragraph equation on the page.
Let me know if you want me to continue to search for instances of the bug, on other pages.
Alright, thank you.
I’ll try to figure out what might be causing this, though I can’t promise it’ll be soon, unfortunately.