minutes in the category ‘social’ / minutes in a day
(minutes in productive categories—minutes in my ‘waste’ category) / minutes in a day
Success rate of all habits
habits succeeded today / number of habits
(I’ve had this data for a long time, but these scripts are relatively new, and I plan on making it more configurable so that I can drop the “sleep” metric from my HUD, since it doesn’t usually change over the course of the day.)
This is what I have on my desktop:
They refer to:
minutes asleep / minutes in a day
minutes in the category ‘social’ / minutes in a day
(minutes in productive categories—minutes in my ‘waste’ category) / minutes in a day
Success rate of all habits
habits succeeded today / number of habits
(I’ve had this data for a long time, but these scripts are relatively new, and I plan on making it more configurable so that I can drop the “sleep” metric from my HUD, since it doesn’t usually change over the course of the day.)