I eiher don’t understand your hypothetical or you didn’t understand the linked post.
But I’ll try: if you’re talking about an agent whose utility function really specifies stimulating one’s brain with contraptions involving wires (call this wireheading#) as a terminal value [ETA: or, more plausibly, specifies subjective pleasure as a terminal value], then their wireheading# activities are not [ETA: necessarily] wireheading as discussed here, it seems to me.
I eiher don’t understand your hypothetical or you didn’t understand the linked post.
But I’ll try: if you’re talking about an agent whose utility function really specifies stimulating one’s brain with contraptions involving wires (call this wireheading#) as a terminal value [ETA: or, more plausibly, specifies subjective pleasure as a terminal value], then their wireheading# activities are not [ETA: necessarily] wireheading as discussed here, it seems to me.
Let’s do this: Can you give me a few examples of human behavior which you see as execution of adaptations?