I’m curious if anyone has made substantial effort to reach a ‘flow’ state in tasks outside of coding, like reading or doing math etc etc., and what they learned. Are there easy tricks? Is it possible? Is flow just a buzzword that doesn’t really mean anything?
I find reading is just about the easiest activity to get into that state with. I routinely get so absorbed in a book that I forget to move. And I think that’s the experience of most readers. It’s a little harder with programming actually, since there are all these pauses while I wait for things to compile or run, and all these times when I have to switch to a web browser to look something up. With reading, you can just keep turning pages.
I find reading is just about the easiest activity to get into that state with. I routinely get so absorbed in a book that I forget to move. And I think that’s the experience of most readers. It’s a little harder with programming actually, since there are all these pauses while I wait for things to compile or run, and all these times when I have to switch to a web browser to look something up. With reading, you can just keep turning pages.