Critical thinking exercise for anyone who wants to try it! I wasted an evening on this, so I thought I’d share it… Here is a Wikipedia article: It looks pretty good, well-cited, and is about something amusing. However, it needs to be burned with fire; why?
(Please avoid looking at the article history, and respond in ROT13. If you saw any of the #lesswrong conversation on this article, please refrain from commenting or giving hints.)
V sbyybjrq n srj bs gur fbheprf naq vg frrzrq gb or n fznyy zvabevgl bs ohgguheg qbpgbef engure guna gur “zrqvpny rfgnoyvfuzrag”. Vf gung gur chapuyvar?
Critical thinking exercise for anyone who wants to try it! I wasted an evening on this, so I thought I’d share it… Here is a Wikipedia article: It looks pretty good, well-cited, and is about something amusing. However, it needs to be burned with fire; why?
(Please avoid looking at the article history, and respond in ROT13. If you saw any of the
conversation on this article, please refrain from commenting or giving hints.)V sbyybjrq n srj bs gur fbheprf naq vg frrzrq gb or n fznyy zvabevgl bs ohgguheg qbpgbef engure guna gur “zrqvpny rfgnoyvfuzrag”. Vf gung gur chapuyvar?
Pybfr. Vg’f npghnyyl jbefr guna gung: sbe ‘fznyy zvabevgl’ ernq ‘dhvgr cbffvoyl n fvatyr npghny qbpgbe jub qvqa’g rira pner gung zhpu nobhg vg’, naq sbe ‘frkvfg ercerffvba’ gel ‘vg jnfa’g traqrerq hagvy srzvavfgf n praghel yngre qrpvqrq gb qb fbzr zlgu-znxvat’. Gur ragver negvpyr vf fubg guebhtu jvgu OF hafhccbegrq ol gur cevznel fbheprf. Sbe rknzcyr, gurer’f mreb rivqrapr ovplpyr snpr qvq nalguvat gb qvfpbhentr jbzra sebz ovxvat, gubhtu gur negvpyr cebpynvzf vg unq n znwbe rssrpg. Vg ybbxf yvxr gur pbaprcg jnf pbasvarq gb bar be gjb bss-unaq zragvbaf naq fbzr arjfcncre tbffvc/pyvccvat pbyhzaf. Jvxvcrqvn jbegul? Jryy, ‘jub jubz’...
EDIT: Sbe n zber qrgnvyrq cbvag-ol-cbvag pevgvdhr, frr zl pbzzrag va uggcf://cyhf.tbbtyr.pbz/h/0/103530621949492999968/cbfgf/vK58f8UkL5x
Avpr. V’q abgr gung gur ebyr bs “srzvavfgf” va guvf zlgu-znxvat vf fbzrjung nanybtbhf (gubhtu boivbhfyl abg cresrpgyl fb) gb gur ebyr bs “gur zrqvpny rfgnoyvfuzrag” va cebzhytngvat gur vqrn bs ovplpyr snpr va gur svefg cynpr.
Lrnu, ohg V’q fnl gung gur srzvavfgf chfuvat guvf zlgu ner n zber prageny rknzcyr bs srzvavfgf guna gur ‘zrqvpny rfgnoyvfuzrag’ bs ovplpyr-snpr vf n prageny rknzcyr bs gur zrqvpny rfgnoyvfuzrag. Gurer jnf ab Ivpgbevna raplpybcrqvn hfvat vg nf na rknzcyr.
Gung fnvq, zvfvagrecergngvbaf bs gur cnfg ner enzcnag. Juvyr nethvat nobhg ovplpyr snpr ba T+, V qvfpbirerq nabgure snyfvsvpngvba bs gur cnfg: va gubfr yvfgf bs snvyrq crffvzvfgvp cerqvpgvbaf nobhg grpuabybtl, n pbzzba ragel vf gur dhbgr “Envy geniry ng uvtu fcrrq vf abg cbffvoyr orpnhfr cnffratref, hanoyr gb oerngur, jbhyq qvr bs nfculkvn”—rkprcg nf sne nf V pna gryy, abg bayl qvq gur fcrnxre abg fnl vg, gur dhbgr qvqa’g rira rkvfg hagvy 1980: uggcf:// Bl irl.