“You have full permission to point out that in the Lord of the Rings, ‘Rationality’ is not exactly the hat of Mordor. That in fact, Mordor and Mordor alone builds temples, attempts to exert constant and destructive pressure on the natural environment, abuses its workers, fosters hatred and superstition, demands worshipful awe from the masses, and is, much more, a realm of ‘magic’ than the Elves—who are, on the whole, far more ‘scientists’ than the folk of Mordor ever were. And, in fact, that the ultimate scientists of Middle-Earth are Aule and Yavanna, both foes of Mordor.”
Some critique from a friend of mine:
“You have full permission to point out that in the Lord of the Rings, ‘Rationality’ is not exactly the hat of Mordor. That in fact, Mordor and Mordor alone builds temples, attempts to exert constant and destructive pressure on the natural environment, abuses its workers, fosters hatred and superstition, demands worshipful awe from the masses, and is, much more, a realm of ‘magic’ than the Elves—who are, on the whole, far more ‘scientists’ than the folk of Mordor ever were. And, in fact, that the ultimate scientists of Middle-Earth are Aule and Yavanna, both foes of Mordor.”