What do you feel is the biggest benefit of using your blog instead of LessWrong? I definitely have a sense of why many authors in general prefer writing on their own blogs, but I would be interested in a short summary of what causes that preference in your specific case.
People browsing my blog seems much more likely than people browsing my user page. More generally, stuff I post on my blog seems to reflect on me in a way that stuff I post on LessWrong does not (instead reflecting on LessWrong).
What do you feel is the biggest benefit of using your blog instead of LessWrong? I definitely have a sense of why many authors in general prefer writing on their own blogs, but I would be interested in a short summary of what causes that preference in your specific case.
People browsing my blog seems much more likely than people browsing my user page. More generally, stuff I post on my blog seems to reflect on me in a way that stuff I post on LessWrong does not (instead reflecting on LessWrong).