Appreciate you bringing this perspective. I think it’s true for the majority of Circling I’ve seen, in most places. But there are some brands(?) of Circling that seem more directly rationality-aligned and ultimately focused on truth-seeking. That said, I think you’re still mostly right.
This blog post from the Integral Center offers a reasonable comparison as far as I can tell. (Most of my circling experience is with facilitators who were trained in the Circling Europe style; I’ve had one or two Circling Institute circles and one or two Integral Center circles.)
Appreciate you bringing this perspective. I think it’s true for the majority of Circling I’ve seen, in most places. But there are some brands(?) of Circling that seem more directly rationality-aligned and ultimately focused on truth-seeking. That said, I think you’re still mostly right.
Given that you seem to have a deeper experience in multiple styles of cirling I would be interested in a post exploring the differences.
I learned circling mostly in the Circling Europe style and I would love to know how the thing in the Bay Area differs.
This blog post from the Integral Center offers a reasonable comparison as far as I can tell. (Most of my circling experience is with facilitators who were trained in the Circling Europe style; I’ve had one or two Circling Institute circles and one or two Integral Center circles.)