I really tried hard at being friendly and positive, and may have gotten a job out of doing so! (I will know in a week.)
I failed to start teaching myself Italian. I meant to start Sunday, but end up reading junk instead. I also planned on painting, and never got around to doing that, either. I’m mainly posting that here to make me do it when I wake up tomorrow. It’s not the actual doing of the work that I dread, it’s figuring out where to start.
Update: I did get around to drawing (about 1/6th done a rather large painting), and was reminded that I probably ought to just work on painting people instead of giant time-sinking scenes.
I still have not gotten around to Italian. I discovered that my CDs and lesson book have vanished sometime in the last 9 months of disuse (any free sites out there with good programs?) and I need to find it before I can actually do anything.
I really tried hard at being friendly and positive, and may have gotten a job out of doing so! (I will know in a week.)
I failed to start teaching myself Italian. I meant to start Sunday, but end up reading junk instead. I also planned on painting, and never got around to doing that, either. I’m mainly posting that here to make me do it when I wake up tomorrow. It’s not the actual doing of the work that I dread, it’s figuring out where to start.
Your comment reminds me of how the only way I managed to motivate myself into getting a job was to become homeless
Update: I did get around to drawing (about 1/6th done a rather large painting), and was reminded that I probably ought to just work on painting people instead of giant time-sinking scenes.
I still have not gotten around to Italian. I discovered that my CDs and lesson book have vanished sometime in the last 9 months of disuse (any free sites out there with good programs?) and I need to find it before I can actually do anything.