On a related topic, someone just got really confused by the fact that the infobox at the top of Discussion says
You’re looking at Less Wrong’s discussion board. This includes all posts, including those that haven’t been promoted to the front page yet. For more information, see About Less Wrong.
And then the person naturally assumed that an article that had actually been posted in Main could be found from browsing Discussion.
I brought up the problem with the description of the discussion board and got a bunch of karma, but nothing happened. I’ve contacted tech about my being able to change site text—I’ll try again without the assumption that I’d be making the changes.
On a related topic, someone just got really confused by the fact that the infobox at the top of Discussion says
And then the person naturally assumed that an article that had actually been posted in Main could be found from browsing Discussion.
I brought up the problem with the description of the discussion board and got a bunch of karma, but nothing happened. I’ve contacted tech about my being able to change site text—I’ll try again without the assumption that I’d be making the changes.