All the upvotes! I am something of an astrobiologist myself, although my emphasis is on geobiology and planetary geology. My current day job is to map out Martian sedimentary rocks with an eye towards liquid water distribution and ancient habitability. My graduate thesis was closer to home, a study of Paleoarchean microbialites.
If you think your posts would benefit from a bit of collaboration, don’t hesitate to ask. Otherwise, I’m eager to see what insights you have from a more astronomy-heavy and pure biology perspective.
Oh god please yes. I’m planning on talking about the limits of our observations in our own solar system and what is possible versus excluded both now and in the past, as well as origin of life research and the history of the scale and complexity of Earth’s biosphere. Will PM you.
All the upvotes! I am something of an astrobiologist myself, although my emphasis is on geobiology and planetary geology. My current day job is to map out Martian sedimentary rocks with an eye towards liquid water distribution and ancient habitability. My graduate thesis was closer to home, a study of Paleoarchean microbialites.
If you think your posts would benefit from a bit of collaboration, don’t hesitate to ask. Otherwise, I’m eager to see what insights you have from a more astronomy-heavy and pure biology perspective.
Oh god please yes. I’m planning on talking about the limits of our observations in our own solar system and what is possible versus excluded both now and in the past, as well as origin of life research and the history of the scale and complexity of Earth’s biosphere. Will PM you.