I’d point out that vaccine designers are extremely aware of ADE, and construct vaccines to be resistant to it. It’s just something you wouldn’t talk about, because it’s second nature.
For a good discussion of what this looks like, there’s a section on ADE in the RADVAC whitepaper; the section to look for is titled:
“possible mechanisms of vaccine-enhanced disease, vaccine-induced autoimmunity, and mitigation strategies”
Not only are designers aware of the risk, there are actually ways to mitigate/reduce it.
The counter argument is that we could never be completely sure; but that’s as true about the covid vaccines as it is any other vaccine designed after ADE was understood.
The people at RaDVaC took measures to hit other targets then the spike protein for reasons to make the RaDVaC more effective with future variants. The officially approved one that just use the spike protein do not follow the ideas that RaDVaC advocates here.
Which is why the Wikipedia article says that ADE is definitely not a problem for the initial strain. All the vaccine trials looked for it and did not find it
All the vaccine trials looked for it and did not find it
...which would make sense, in the model where this is a long-term effect, no?
Everyone’s password being changed to SHA256(username|"foo") in the short term is (likely) good for security. It’s only once someone picks up on the pattern and starts exploiting it that it becomes a negative.
I’d point out that vaccine designers are extremely aware of ADE, and construct vaccines to be resistant to it. It’s just something you wouldn’t talk about, because it’s second nature.
For a good discussion of what this looks like, there’s a section on ADE in the RADVAC whitepaper; the section to look for is titled:
“possible mechanisms of vaccine-enhanced disease, vaccine-induced autoimmunity, and mitigation strategies”
Not only are designers aware of the risk, there are actually ways to mitigate/reduce it.
The counter argument is that we could never be completely sure; but that’s as true about the covid vaccines as it is any other vaccine designed after ADE was understood.
The people at RaDVaC took measures to hit other targets then the spike protein for reasons to make the RaDVaC more effective with future variants. The officially approved one that just use the spike protein do not follow the ideas that RaDVaC advocates here.
Which is why the Wikipedia article says that ADE is definitely not a problem for the initial strain. All the vaccine trials looked for it and did not find it
...which would make sense, in the model where this is a long-term effect, no?
Everyone’s password being changed to SHA256(username|"foo") in the short term is (likely) good for security. It’s only once someone picks up on the pattern and starts exploiting it that it becomes a negative.