Often people who are counting on you, usually family members, will effectively let you know that while they care a non-zero amount about whether your life experience is miserable, or what impact your work has on the world, or what upside or opportunities for personal growth you might have, what they actually care about is whether you are projecting the illusion of security. They want to mentally cache that you/they ‘are going to be OK’ and that ‘everything is all right.’
When I first read this 6 months ago, I thought, “I guess, some people’s family members could be cold like that”.
Then I mentioned quitting my job at mega-tech company to my parents. What I heard was actually “we care absolutely zero amount that you’re actually okay, what we want is to feel you’re okay, how dare you take that away from us”.
When I first read this 6 months ago, I thought, “I guess, some people’s family members could be cold like that”.
Then I mentioned quitting my job at mega-tech company to my parents. What I heard was actually “we care absolutely zero amount that you’re actually okay, what we want is to feel you’re okay, how dare you take that away from us”.