1) I am more skeptical of singleton take off. While I think it is possible, I don’t think it is likely that humans will be able to engineer it.
2)Logistics. If identity requires high bandwidth data connections between the two parts it would be easier to have a distributed system.
3) Politics. I doubt politicians will trust anyone to build a giant system to look after the world.
4) Letting the future take care of itself. If the systems do consider the human part of themselves, then they might be better placed to figure out an overarching way to balance everyones needs.
A few reasons.
1) I am more skeptical of singleton take off. While I think it is possible, I don’t think it is likely that humans will be able to engineer it.
2)Logistics. If identity requires high bandwidth data connections between the two parts it would be easier to have a distributed system.
3) Politics. I doubt politicians will trust anyone to build a giant system to look after the world.
4) Letting the future take care of itself. If the systems do consider the human part of themselves, then they might be better placed to figure out an overarching way to balance everyones needs.