That said, it’s not too surprising that postmodernists are often the straw opponent of choice.
The idea that the categories we experience as “in the world” are actually in our heads is something postmodernists share with cognitive scientists; many of the topics discussed here (especially those explicitly concerned with cognitive bias) are part of that same enterprise.
I suspect this leads to a kind of uncanny valley effect, where something similar-but-different creates more revulsion than something genuinely opposed would.
Of course, knowing that does not make me any less frustrated with the sort of soi-disant postmodernist for whom category deconstruction is just a verbal formula, rather than the end result of actual thought.
I also weakly suspect that postmodernists get a particularly bad rap simply because of the oxymoronic name.
That said, it’s not too surprising that postmodernists are often the straw opponent of choice.
Oh yeah. While it’s far from a worthless field, and straw postmodernists are a sign of lazy thinking, it is also the case that postmodernism contains staggering quantities of complete BS.
Thankfully, these are also susceptible to postmodernist analysis, if not by those who wish to keep their status …
That said, it’s not too surprising that postmodernists are often the straw opponent of choice.
The idea that the categories we experience as “in the world” are actually in our heads is something postmodernists share with cognitive scientists; many of the topics discussed here (especially those explicitly concerned with cognitive bias) are part of that same enterprise.
I suspect this leads to a kind of uncanny valley effect, where something similar-but-different creates more revulsion than something genuinely opposed would.
Of course, knowing that does not make me any less frustrated with the sort of soi-disant postmodernist for whom category deconstruction is just a verbal formula, rather than the end result of actual thought.
I also weakly suspect that postmodernists get a particularly bad rap simply because of the oxymoronic name.
Oh yeah. While it’s far from a worthless field, and straw postmodernists are a sign of lazy thinking, it is also the case that postmodernism contains staggering quantities of complete BS.
Thankfully, these are also susceptible to postmodernist analysis, if not by those who wish to keep their status …