May I recommend spoiler markup? Just start the line with >!
Another (minor) “Top Donor” opinion. On the MIRI issue: agree with your concerns, but continue donating, for now. I assume they’re fully aware of the problem they’re presenting to their donors and will address it in some fashion. If they do not might adjust next year. The hard thing is that MIRI still seems most differentiated in approach and talent org that can use funds (vs OpenAI and DeepMind and well-funded academic institutions)
My take+decision on the MIRI issue, in ROT13 to continue the pattern
Nabgure (zvabe) “Gbc Qbabe” bcvavba. Ba gur ZVEV vffhr: nterr jvgu lbhe pbapreaf, ohg pbagvahr qbangvat, sbe abj. V nffhzr gurl’er shyyl njner bs gur ceboyrz gurl’er cerfragvat gb gurve qbabef naq jvyy nqqerff vg va fbzr snfuvba. Vs gurl qb abg zvtug nqwhfg arkg lrne. Gur uneq guvat vf gung ZVEV fgvyy frrzf zbfg qvssreragvngrq va nccebnpu naq gnyrag bet gung pna hfr shaqf (if BcraNV naq QrrcZvaq naq jryy-shaqrq npnqrzvp vafgvghgvbaf)
May I recommend spoiler markup? Just start the line with >!
Another (minor) “Top Donor” opinion. On the MIRI issue: agree with your concerns, but continue donating, for now. I assume they’re fully aware of the problem they’re presenting to their donors and will address it in some fashion. If they do not might adjust next year. The hard thing is that MIRI still seems most differentiated in approach and talent org that can use funds (vs OpenAI and DeepMind and well-funded academic institutions)
Thanks for doing this! I couldn’t figure out how.
Thanks for sharing, seems like a reasonable take to me.